Thursday, October 31, 2019
Organization design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Organization design - Assignment Example The aspect of capitalizing on and responding to change was exhibited by the ancient Athens who faced agricultural setbacks. The Athens recognized their problem as a potential challenge and decided to respond effectively to the cultivation of olives that have the capacity to obtain water from the deeper water tables. Modern businesses should adopt such an approach in the contemporary business world. The response adopted by businesses towards change determines the level of success (Bridges, 2009). In a world defined by change, it is irrational for businesses to focus on the competition because they will be easily blinded to a level where they cannot recognize the challenge. However, capitalizing on change allows businesses to tackle the challenges and respond effectively. All individual sat different levels in a business have a responsibility of developing appropriate responses to change. Whereas business leaders determine when to launch new products or to pursue a new category of customers, upper-level managers focus on redefining the different departments to suit the new organizational goals. Middle managers have to respond effectively by reorganizing all the efforts from different departments and encouraging supervisors to define new responses at the new level. Every individual in the organization must contribute positively so that organizations can effectively capitalize on change (p.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King Essay Example for Free
Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King Essay Claudius has been presented in the theatre as a worthy King and Polonius as an amiable and sensible father. What is your response to the ways in which Shakespeare presents one of these characters? It is hard to judge the character of Polonius in Shakespeares Hamlet, due to the fact Shakespeare presents many of the events not only through Hamlets eyes, but the eyes of Polonius children and the King, and through these different people he is presented in different ways. However, there is a great deal more to this multi-faceted character in the play, as his presence and actions in the play is of great importance, before and after his death. Polonius is presented in different ways in various stage productions; usually, he is presented as a wise man, and one with great influence upon his son and daughter, Laertes and Ophelia, and of a man highly respected by King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and the people of Denmark. Despite this, he can become a rather comic character, if the company wishes Hamlet to be presented more positively. As Polonius is presented through different productions in different ways, it is difficult to evaluate his true nature. As the play is largely presented through Hamlets eyes, it is from him we draw many of our opinions. It is eventually Hamlet that kills Polonius, stabbing him through the arras, and Hamlet who sends him off with such harsh words as a foolish, prating knave; it can be said that he encompasses aspects of this statement, as we see in different parts of the play. However, to be deeply cynical of Polonius is somewhat hard to do. Polonius, in the eyes of Claudius, the Queen, the words and actions of Laertes, Ophelia and the Danish people, and the obediency of Reynaldo give us a more reasoned insight into Polonius. Polonius can be seen as foolish mainly when talking to his servant, Reynaldo, wherein he directs Reynaldo as to how to spy on Laertes. During his speech, Polonius gets wrapped up in his own words, and seems to lose the points he is trying to get across; And then, sir, does a this he does what was I about to say? By the mass I was about to say something. Where did I leave?; Shakespeare also transfers from blank verse into prose, accentuating Polonius loss of grip. However, this may actually be cleverly checking if Reynaldo is listening; the fact he quotes him directly back At closes in the consequence, at friend or so, / and, gentlemen' suggests many positive factors. For one, it is a reflection on Polonius authority and importance that Reynaldo remains attentive and quotes him back perfectly. Also, if this is a trick, Polonius may feel the matter is so important to his sons welfare that he needs to test Reynaldo to see if he really is listening so that the surveillance can be perfectly executed. Polonius may be seen to lose his grip in his bouts of prating to the King and Queen in parts of the play too. His speech to Claudius and Gertrude concerning Hamlets madness is a prime example of Polonius prattling, as we see in his long-winded build up to his conclusion, that Hamlet is mad; Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief. Your noble son is mad..
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Minimum Wage: Exploitation through a Subsistent Wage
Minimum Wage: Exploitation through a Subsistent Wage The Raising of the Minimum Wage: Exploitation through a Subsistent Wage I. Introduction For many years in the United States the minimum wage has not aligned with the cost of living. Low wage workers typically earn the minimum wage and cannot sustain themselves due to the constant rise of housing, food, and health care. The bourgeoisie manipulates the proletariat through exploitation with a subsistent wage that rarely increases. In this essay, I aim to demonstrate that the elite cause a class conflict to keep the bourgeoisie in power to maintain a hegemony over the lower class. II. The Elite Perspective In a New York Times article titled, Higher Minimum Wage May Have Losers, Noam Scheiber highlights that many cities and states are considering raising the minimum wage, but some economists and business owners warn that a raise may be problematic for business owners and current low wage workers. At the annual American Economic Association, Economics professor John Horton Of New York University delivered an essay concerning an experiment he did regarding raising the minimum wage. Using an online platform, employees post jobs anonymously. Workers then submit an hourly wage competing for them. Scheiber states: Mr. Horton, working with the platform, was able to impose a minimum wage random on one-quarter of about 160,000 jobs posted over roughly a month and a half in 2013. If a worker proposed an hourly wage that was below the minimum, the platforms software asked him or her to raise the bid until it cleared the threshold. (cite) At prima facie, the experiment demonstrated that when the minimum wage increased there was little if no decline in hiring. However, the hours a worker spent on a job fell for the jobs that were lower wage before the study. In addition, Horton claimed that employers were hiring more productive works to compensate for the lost earnings from the adjusted higher wage. Consequently, the lower wage workers were less productive, according to Horton, and thus lost their jobs. He concluded that raising the minimum wage could cost low-skilled workers their jobs, as employers replace them with higher productive individuals. Additionally, some economists claim that the more productive workers that do not take the jobs from the low skilled workers will also need a pay raise, which may cause more economic issues. Furthermore, others such as Zane Tankel, chief executive of Applebees restaurant infers that higher wages will accelerate automation, which will offset costs and leave may workers jobless .[1] III. A Sociological Critique Hortons data is tailored to benefit the bourgeoisie and highlights how the individuals in elite position help maintain a hegemony over the lower class. Consequently, the proletariat is given a subsistent wage and is exploited for their labor. Marx claimed that the worker is given just enough pay to survive and have a family and children so that when the worker falters, the children can take over the subsistent wage.[2] Hortons experiment highlights how the worker is exploited with a subsistent wage. In addition, his data demonstrates that low wage workers will lose their jobs to the high output workers. This conflict between the two workers causes what Marx termed alienation. Marx defined it as: the breakdown of, the separation, from, the natural interconnection between people and their productive activities, the products they produce, the fellow workers with whom they produce those things, and with what they are potentially capable of becoming.[3] This alienation keeps individuals from achieving their full potential and keeps them in a subservient state. Scheibers article contains a comment from Applebees executive who states that forced higher wages will accelerate automation, thus more employees will lose their jobs. The inference that workers will be replaced faster by automation demonstrates that the bourgeoisie does not value the labor that the proletariat loses for a meager wage. Marxist theory states that all value comes from the labor and is therefore traceable, in capitalism, to the proletariat.[4] The bourgeoisie does not recognize this value and further exploitation of the surplus value that is extracted from the worker. Scheibers article demonstrates that Horton neglects the conflict between classes and actually helps the elite in a bias fashion. IV. Solution One may contemplate if the worker and capitalist comprehend the magnitude of the conflict between them. Marx would assume that, both the proletariat and the capitalists [bourgeoisie] have an inaccurate sense of themselves, their relationship to one another, and the way in which capitalism operates.[5] While this may be true that the average individual or business owner is unaware of this conflict and holds false consciousness, it is unlikely that Professor Horton is ignorant of these conflicts. While some are aware and have false consciousness, it is crucial that the majority of both capitalists and workers become aware or have class consciousness-the ability of a class, in particular the proletariat, to overcome false consciousness and attain an accurate understanding of the capitalist system.[6] Additionally, once this consciousness is achieved, then the workers must engage in what Marx termed praxis, or the idea that people, especially the proletariat, must take concrete action in order to overcome capitalism. This solution of praxis is extreme and workers can most likely keep some form of capitalism but demand a proper wage. The consciousness compounded with praxis can even out the conflict between the classes and articles concerning the debate over low wages would be nonexistent. V. Conclusion The article Higher Minimum Wage May Have Losers, highlights the conflict that individuals such as Horton create between the workers and capitalists. The conflict between the two creates what Marx claimed to be a loss of human potential through exploitation, alienation of surplus value, and the fact that workers work and live under a subsistent wage. The solution is class consciousness and praxis that results in change. Bibliography [1] Cite article [2] Pg 26 [3] Pg 24 [4] 26 [5] 27 [6] 28
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Recall of Firestone Tires Essay -- Firestone Tires Retail Automobi
The Recall of Firestone Tires Mission Statement: The Firestone Company is committed to being a good corporate citizen nationally, regionally and especially in the communities where we have manufacturing plants, sales facilities or offices. Our corporate philosophy is to build not just better products, but better communities. Firestone traces their roots to the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company in 1900. Harvey S. Firestone started tire production with twelve employees in Akron, Ohio. In Japan during 1931, Shojiro Ishibashi created the Bridgestone Tire Company. Bridgestone is proud to carry on the blending of Japanese and American methods to provide quality products. Their philosophy is to serve society with superior quality and best today but still better tomorrow. In August 2000, there was a recall of Bridgestone/Firestone tires. The company recalled its 15 inch ATX and ATX II tires, plus 15 inch Wilderness AT tires. The recall involved more than six million tires. A federal investigation found at least 88 deaths and more than 300 accidents involving Bridgestone/Firestone tires that had shredded on the highway. The majority of the accidents held the same situation of the driver maintaining a speed of 65 miles per hour, the tires shredded and the rubber peeled away from the rim. Most of the tire failures involved Ford Explorer sport utility vehicles. These accidents occurred after tire treads peeled off, causing tires to burst and malfunction then drivers lost control of their vehicles which resulted in crashes and turnovers. The tires involved are made up of many different materials layered around an inner shell. The outermost layer is the tread, which covers two layers of steel cords. This tire recall was the second largest in history; i t also raised a significant social responsibility and ethical issues for both Ford and Bridgestone/Firestone companies. Firestone's last major tire recall nearly bankrupted the company in 1978, and led to its acquisition by Japanese-based Bridgestone. As with the recall announced, it involved abnormally high tread separation, resulting in accidents and deaths. Most of the tires involved in the recall were produced at Firestone's Decatur, Illinois plant. Poor quality was named as one of the main causes of the failures, and many proposals were advanced to strengthen and update regulatory procedures. ... ...dgestone/Firestone executive says complaints didn't reach him. from the World Wide Web: Public Citizen. (2001, Jan. 4). Ford, Firestone officials took narrow view when recalling tires, ignoring key data while admitting tires lacked strength. from the World Wide Web: Public Citizen & (2001, Jan. 4). Spinning their wheels: How Ford and Firestone fail to justify the limited tire recall. from the World Wide Web: Ross, S. (2000, Nov. 1). Tire-safety law signed. from the World Wide Web: Schaefer, G. (2000, December 20). Wheeling and dealing: Bridgestone admits some blame for deadly tire failures. from the World Wide Web: Sears stops selling Bridgestone/Firestone tires under probe in crashes. (2000, Aug. 4). from the World Wide Web: Valenti, C. (2000, September 5). What cost recalls? from the World Wide Web:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Robot: Human Anatomy and Bionic Humans
Robot Is having a bionic man all that great? No it is not. In the article â€Å"He, Robot the High-tech Future of the Human Body,†By Alexandra Sifferlin, she states that it is an improvement. In reality it is not the greatest thing in the world. They say bionic humans and bionic internal body parts could replace failing one. What if they malfunction or just stop working? What if the surgery does not go through and the patient dies? They are taking extremely big risks with the bionic human.Also what if the robots replace the working society? Does that mean we lose our jobs? Bionic limbs do help us and can be good for those who lost their limbs; but could we really trust an artificial replacement organ. â€Å"Kidney failure, for example, could be a nonissue if researchers†¦create a working artificial replacement organ,†(Sifferlin). Also what if these new bionic robots take over or work force? According to this article they are full functioning and can do the same a s a human can do.They can see, walk, pump blood, move and use all limbs. They are trying to make more advanced ones. â€Å"We are approaching a point where technology can fully replace a functionality of the human body,†(Sifferlin). Another problem with the bionic human is cost. They spent $1 million on â€Å"Rex†in the UK. How much are we willing to spend on Bionic body parts and Bionic humans? The last thing we need to take into consideration is could the bionic human and body parts cause issues with peoples religious views.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The importance of life Essay Example
The importance of life Essay Example The importance of life Essay The importance of life Essay Essay Topic: Life Is Beautiful How many of us value the importance of living? Do we really appreciate the fact that we wake up every morning breathing? We should. Every one of us should pray every morning thanking God for the opportunity of another day of living In this wonderful world of ours. Every morning we should look up and say Thank You my Lord for another day because as we hear It many times tomorrow Is not promised to any one. We human attend to Ignore the lord and what he has done for us. For over a millions and a millions of years we been living under the sky, on this absolute beautiful world without paying anything. Do we ever think Oh God thank you? No, but we should, and shouldve every day such a confusing, ambiguous society sometimes you never really know what Its all about. Often times people will feel Like no one needs them In this world. As much as It can sometimes seem as though the sun is always setting, somewhere on the globe it is also always rising. The beauty of your life is that you can change it all, it all starts with what you want to see. Adequate, then you must make a change to live differently. Maybe you should just try something new, call up some old acquaintances, make some friends, or even start a garage band. Branch out and try something that isnt Just based on your own efforts. Friends can always have an impact on each other. O Dont Have to Change the World. We dont live in a fly or die society. There is plenty of room to sight see and blaze a different trail. The most important person to be important to is yourself.
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Appian Technology and Logistics essay
buy custom Appian Technology and Logistics essay Appian Logistics Software was founded in 1987 and is currently acknowledged as the leading industry in the provision of working solutions to transport companies. Appian industry has continually been recognized as one of the top 100 logistics and supply chain software providers by both the leading publications and industry groups. With its entrance into North America, the industrys current customer base has increased to over 3,600 installations. Appian empowers more than three million users comprising of both large companies, the mid-market and small businesses worldwide. Appians headquarter is in Washington, D.C. region, while its professional services and partners are spread all over the world. Appian is the leading innovator in the Business Processing Management Industry. The industry has currently extended the power of BPM to mobile devices, cloud computing and social business. By making BPM universally accessible and personalized to individual users, it allows all the stakeholders to reap the benefits of process. Appian is aim at delivering the best customer experience to its clients-through innovative technology and outstanding service. The industry has a vibrant and growing community of customers and partners. Appian is also the leader of mobile, cloud, and social BPM. Its BPM suite can be accessed on the majority of mobile devices including iPhone, iPad and Blackberry . It is also possible to access it via a web browser. The industry aims at empowering business users to improve their business through the introduction of such technologies as universal web access and modern social collaboration. The technology is widely used today by both the commercial and government organizations around the world. The Appian Technology (The BPM Suite) The Appian BPM Suite offers services that aim at changing the way businesses operate This technology was meant to drive the companys operation efficiency in the short run while it aimed at helping the company to develop new services and solutions in the long run. BPM has helped in integrating people, process and information through various technologies. With effective BPM an organization can manage an improved process that involves human interactions, multiple applications and complex rules and workflows. Appian BPM Suite technology has enabled various companies to modify and update their legacy applications as well as replacing their modules. It creates a new, faster and a more flexible way to create and extend enterprise applications. The Appian BPM Suite contains the following business process components. Appian technology and Tempo Appian tempo has widely been used as a revolutionary way to extend visibility and participation through social BPM in various kinds of enterprises. It seeks to harmonies the real-time operation, filter views of key business events, and direct action into a single process. Its Social BPM leverages the collective knowledge. This allows any enterprise utilizing the technology to gain efficiency and improve the quality of the business through Appian revolutionary Social BPM interfaces. Secondly, tempo has the key event monitoring which allows an entrepreneur to track key events from peoples systems throughout his enterprise in real-time. It also provides alerts in case of an occurrence of any critical event or hazards that could adversely impact on the business. Thirdly, it has tasks and actions which enable it to generate actions and complete tasks either from within the event feed or from a mobile device. It uses optimized web and mobile forms to capture data and route tasks to appropr iate users. Forth, the technology allows real time collaboration during various business events. It thus adds insight as well as enabling the entrepreneur to obtain the latest status on key process in a business. It allows business men to receive any posted messages in real time. This has made it possible for the businessmen to receive immediate response from their feedbacks. The technology also enhances quick collaboration in any business process through the provision of updates on the status and posting of questions to targeted group. The businesses with feed subscriptions are able to set up the custom subscriptions to monitor the key events and information relevant to their business. The real time feeds can also help to carry out a search. This enables its users to focus on the events in which they have special interests. Appian tempo also uses the enterprise security model of the Appian BPM Suite platform to secure all its information data. This is made possible through the use of role-based permissions and securely transmitted using of SSL to web and mobile interfaces. Appian Mobile Appians process application is available on every major mobile platform. This enables the technology to improve collaboration and notifications among and between enterprises. It also improves the security of enterprises making it more simple for it to meet its mobility needs. Appian provides native mobile application for the Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and other models. The technology also allows the utilization of a native web client by all modern mobile device platforms which have web browsers. Appian also helps the entrepreneurs to stay connected to their partners via their mobile devices. The users can therefore easily collaborate to have joint events and exchange programs by the use of the technology. It also ensures the entrepreneurs of the security of their conversation with others from all over the world. Appian technology also allows the access of the task list and actions from ones mobile device enabling them to make important decision even while on the move. Appian also enables one to be connected and informed of all the critical business events. The technology also allows its users to add images from their mobile camera to any task or actions. This enriches the descriptions of any common mobile processes such as appraisals insurance claims. The technology has also devised practices which ensure the security of all the data which are accessed via the mobile devices. It encrypts the local data using best encryption tools. Through the Appian custom branding, the customers have been able to re-brand their Appian mobile application. Further more, the users of the technology are at liberty to advertise their application on each app store. They are also allowed to provide their branded application as a direct download to enterprise mobile devices. Appian technology and Process Modeler The Appian Software Modeler provides a simple web-based modeling tool that uses BPMN and SOA methodologies for design, execution, and management to ensure process improvement. The BPMN Process Modeling helps to simplify the communication between business and IT especially when managing the full process life cycle. Secondly, Appian has a native process repository that supports full version control across all process models and role-based security for controlling access to each model. Third, Appian has smart services which provide a simple mechanism used by IT developers to publish enterprise services. The publications enable the less technical business users to consume these services and to plan. It makes it possible for typical SOA objects such as web services and EJBs to be abstracted into a drag and drop configuration. This has in turn simplified its understanding and incorporation by various business users into their process models. In its process of execution, Appian is designed to grow with their customers enterprises through the scaling of its services. Appian technology has simplified its process optimization and bottleneck analysis. It gives useful information on the performance of every activityof. It also enables business users to quickly identify issues and re-route process models for increased efficiency. This is made possible by capturing the statistics through detailed Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) statistics which are captured for each process. Appian BPM Suite Portal The Appian BPM Portal provides an easy to use interface for delivering personalized content to end users. The use of point-and-click dashboard design enables the Appian portal to deliver a rich set of content to users. Such content enables the users of the technology to track, collaborate, and take action on key processes. First, Appians packaged port-let channels are able to combine into unique dashboards to perform specific processes and roles (Shipman, 2006). Secondly, Appian portal supports consumption of third party data to create rich-mash-up interfaces that combine content form multiple sources. This enables the users to have a single view into all their enterprise systems. Thirdly, Appian also allows personalization by enabling its users to receive a personalized view into each process application. Finally, Appian can support common enterprise portal standards such as consumption of WSRP port-lets that can easily be incorporated to enhance Appian dashboards. The Appian Technology and Form Designer The Appian Form Designer is a simple drag-and-drop design environment that enables business users to easily create interactive forms of their users. After the publication of the Appian forms as web-forms, they are integrated into the business process. These forms ensure that users have a simple and clean interface to enable them capture important data. It allows designers to quickly create and publish rich web forms. Forms may also include web actions, complex formatting, and custom JavaScript all which work to improve the interactions process. Secondly, forms can be incorporated into process tasks to facilitate data capture. They may be published as a start point to business process. Forms can also support multiple language formats to ensure users receive a form rendered for their local language. Thirdly, Appian includes support for instant automation of all forms in Adobe PDF, HTML, and JSP formats. Appian technology and Content Appian provides a native content management system for quick access and version control of important documents. It also provides a content repository that organizes, secure and tags the content with appropriate metadata. The technology through full text search enables the users to easily locate their key documents to be used in various processes and tasks. All content captured in Appian is automatically version control. This allows the immediate opening of any older versions while at the same time ensuring that there is no missing of any revised version. Apian also saves the users time by allowing auto-generation of such structured documents as customers contacts. Appian Technology and Collaboration The Appian BPM Suite makes it easy to share ideas and collaborate across any given organization. Appian software encourages collaboration with the threaded discussion boards. It also allows a faster content sharing across all its users. The technology encourages collaborations between users through the provision of a secure discussion thread for departments and processes. The technology also allows its users to share their comments and discussions assisting other users to find answers to any disturbing questions. The technology also makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with customers, partners and employees directly via the emails. Appian Analytics Appian analytic engine provides unmatched performance and report flexibility, allowing users to easily visualize important business events and process performance. Appians analytic engine is easy to maintain and work with especially in delivering quality reports. This is because it is built on real-time and in a memory data engine. The real-time analysis is made possible by its Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). The technology provides a detailed level planning for every human action. It gives the record of the time each task was assigned, accepted and completed. Studies have shown that Appian is the only BPM platform with a unique in-memory analytic engine that provides a real-time analysis and reporting for great number of processes. Its low maintenance requirements and good performance also enables it to identify and resolved any process related issues (Shipman, 2006). Appian report design is also flexible making it possible for accurate views to be created into any aspects of a business process. The technology also allows the creation of aggregations on any data point giving it visual impressions. All Appian reports are also instantly exportable to MS Excel and other reporting tools which are in CSV format. This simplifies any of such transfers. Appian technology and Rules The Appian has a rule manager that allows users to create a set of reusable business rules which can be used across the organization. The technology has helped simplify the process of creating a rich and dynamic rule driven process application. First, Appians native business rules repository ensures a hierarchical and security controlled storage for all rules. The technology makes it possible for each rule versions to be individually controlled. It also makes it possible for one to role back to early rule versions. Secondly, because the rules are created through Appian simple web-based interface, it is possible for them be tested for validation before deployment. Lastly the Appian rule is very accessible. Appian allows the application of a single rule to support dynamic forms, process flow, and even report rendering. Appians ability to apply rules in many locations makes it simple to create a rich and dynamic rule driven process application simple. Appian technology and data access The Appian technology empowers IT developers to easily connect and represent their data sources as reusable and business friendly data objects. Appian can be connected to an existing RDBMS data sources with the support of other database systems to help in planning and managing ones enterprise data in new business processes. The technology allows various enterprise data sources to be registered as custom data types. This enables developers to create common and reusable complex data structures that accelerate and simplify process development. Based on XML and RDBMS standards, Appian can quickly leverage and import the existing data to build new process definitions. Appian SOA and Integration Appian helps unite the entrepreneurs participants with enterprise data systems and external services into a cohesive and easily managed business processes. Packaged connectors and common systems interfaces and native support for SOA frameworks allow a quick building of integration. Appians simple drag-and drop process design makes it easy to include web services into any process map. The packaged adaptors and the emails also allow further connections to the existing enterprise systems. The other features of this technology include the Share point and the cloud BPM. The Appian SharePoint enables the rapid, drag and drop design of SharePoint workflow with governance and process control. Appian BPM provides this functionality through a native SharePoint WebPart interface. It enables the users to receive tasks and monitor the criteria of the critical reports, as well as controlling the various aspects of their businesss SharePoint environment. On the other hand, Appian Suite because of its 100% web-based interface and scalable architecture is an ideal enviroonment to deploy a service to the cloud. It has the same functionality as traditional on-premise BPM software deployments. This enables it to provide a way in which the process improvement initiatives can be accelerated . B. Appian Logistics Software Appian software are designed to reduces time and costs associated with logistics planning operations. This assists the operators to save on overhead mileage, fuel and money. Appian Logistics Software has a number of products such as DirectRoute and DR Truck. Direct Route Software Direct Route software is also known as the Routing and Scheduling Optimizing Software. They help the companies with staff or agents in the field delivering products or services. DirectRoute is effective route management software which helps companies to lower transportation costs, control field operations. It usually delivers a full return on initial investment within a few months. Direct Route software reduces the cost of operation, improves customer service, streamlines route planning and provides what if analysis. It has fixed routes or dynamic daily routes. It also categorizes its services into single day, multiday, and one-way routing capabilities. DirectRoute software helps in the financial analysis of routes and fleet operations and provides interfaces to real time tracking. The software provides extensive customizable reporting as well as street level turn-by-turn driving directions. It has been established that DirectRoute has long been the preferred design tool to many large and small 3PL logistics organizations. It is easy to use. It is also more flexible thus helps the analysts do more work in a smaller amount of time while offering their company a competitive advantage in proposal development. The affordability of DirectRoute also makes it affordable to be rolled out at customer sites once they get the business regardless of the size. DRTrack Software DRTrack on the other hand is also known as GPS Tracking and Web Reporting Software. It is an optional fleet tracking and web based reporting tool for the DirectRoute vehicle routing and load optimization software package. It utilizes GPS technology to automatically update estimated arrival and departure times at customer locations. Whenever routes are running behind or ahead of schedule the software provides automated notifications. It thus allows the companies to take a proactive approach to their customers services. It helps the companies avoid the difficult task of having to try up phones lines, interrupt drivers for updates, or systematically go through numerous reports. This is because the software enables the clients to review relevant information and provide time-sensitive information to their customers. In summary, this software increased visibility, improve customers service and allow ease in performance reporting. It provides inexpensive GPS Tracking Solution and perfect co mpanion for direct route. The software thus creates a hands-off way of storing and updating route data allowing the information to be made available for everyone in the company. DRTrack allows access to schedules and GPS history directly on the web for use by managers, customers or other personnel. It thus allows the users to access and monitor vital route information, estimated delivery times and distances. It is also an easy-to-use interactive route tracking through the map or the menu. It has many existing interfaces with providers such as PeopleNet and XATA. The software also has an XML interface to set up and process data from almost any device or service. It allows the automatic update of schedules based on real time GPS feed. It provides an easy way for customers to log in and see their actual or estimated delivery times. It provides e-mail alerts when missing specific key customers delivery appointment windows or if such deliveries are behind schedule. Appian TerritoryPro Appian TerritoryPro Software is also known as Territory Building and Optimization Software. It helps in adjusting and designing route territories based on constraints such as sales volume, services time and/or coverage area. TerritoryPro automatically creates territories that seek to meet the customers criteria. It also allows the users to review current territories with lasso type editing for reassignment and automatic updating of statistics. Its users benefit from balanced territories, eliminated of territory overlaps, and its ease in usage. The software is also compatible to Microsoft excel and has a quick return on investment. It allows one to see different symbol displays for each representatives accounts with statistics for each area. Such symbols may include the volume of sales and the workload for servicing the accounts within each territory. The technology has integrated mapping and drawing tools for territory analysis. It uses the drag-and-drop functionality in its reassigning of customers between territories. It has lasso accounts with integrated drawing tools directly on the map to provide a realignment of territories. The software automatically updates territory statistics as adjustments are made. It can be used to assign route days within a territory. The TerritoryPro also automatically considers frequencies when calculating workload. Appian ResourcePro Appian ResourcePro Softwareis also known as Fleet Sizing and Scheduling Optimization Software. It is a strategic planning tool for use with Appians DirectRoute vehicle routing and load optimization software. The ResourcePro plug-in optimizes the drivers and power units required for a daily or weekly route schedule. It provides crucial information for strategically planning growth while also working to eliminate unnecessary costs. It also helps in elimination of under-utilized equipment and non-valuable added driver hours. The software minimizes the fleet size required to operate a given business. The software is beneficial since it increases profit while reduce capital requirements. It is also easy to use and provides real world solutions. It hast features such as extensive reporting capabilities for dispatch schedules and the miles and hours covered per driver. It also ensures compliance by the drivers based on the driving restrictions by rolling DOT parameters. It is also easy to read Gantt chart format. It is easy to use as its graphical interface allows drag and drop editing. The ResourcePro module can also help determine the optimal number of Driver and Power units for a given operation. Appian SchedulePro Appian SchedulePro is also called a Multi-Week Schedule Balancing and Optimization Software. It is an optimal planning tool for use with the DirectRoute vehicle routing and loading optimization software package. The software optimizes customer appointment days and balances volume over a planning period of up to 12 weeks at a time. Its benefits include increased profit, reduced capital requirements, easy use as well as provision of real world solutions. It also provides a faster generation of return on investments within a few months. It has a definable planning horizon and multiple depots which provide a simultaneous solution to the starting locations. The SchedulePro software provides user definable delivery patterns with associated volume splits. The software is designed to compliment TerritoryPro and DirectRoute. It allows one to obtain the delivery reports by customer. Conclusion In conclusion, Appian Technology and Logistics are innovations that can today be considered basic to business organizations. Any business or organization operators that aspire to cut on their operation costs can not afford to ignore the Apian technologies and logistics software. Buy custom Appian Technology and Logistics essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Translate Modal Verbs into French
How to Translate Modal Verbs into French Modal verbs, also called modal auxiliaries or simply modals, are unconjugated English verbs which express the mood of a verb, such as ability, possibility, condition, and necessity. With the exception of ought, modals are followed directly by the verb they modify (without to in between). There are ten common English modal verbs: cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould French does not have modal verbs, which can make it difficult to translate them. The French equivalents of modal verbs may be a conjugable verb (e.g., pouvoir), a particular verb tense or mood, or even an adverb. Can   pouvoir, savoir (in the present tense)    I can help you.Je peux vous aider.We can see it.Nous pouvons le voir.Can you swim?Sais-tu nager ? Could (in the present)   pouvoir (in the conditional)    I could dance all night.Je pourrais danser pendant toute la nuit.Could you help me?Pourriez-vous maider ? Could (in the past)   pouvoir (in the imperfect)    He could eat a lot of candy when he was three.Il pouvait manger beaucoup de bonbons quand il avait trois ans.Last year, I could sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je pouvais dormir jusqu midi tous les jours. May/might  peut-à ªtre, pouvoir (in the conditional), se pouvoir (in the present)    She may/might arrive at noon.Elle arrivera peut-à ªtre midi, Elle pourrait arriver midi, Il se peut quelle arrive midi. Must  devoir (present tense)    I must leave.Je dois partir.You must help me.Vous devez maider. Shall/will   French future tense    I shall/will help you.Je vous aiderai.He will arrive at noon.Il arrivera midi. Should/ought to  devoir (in the conditional)    I should/ought to leave soon.Je devrais partir bientà ´t.You should/ought to help me.Vous devriez maider. would (in the present)   French conditional mood    We would like to leave.Nous voudrions partir.I would help you if I were ready.Je vous aiderais si jà ©tais prà ªt. would (in the past)   French imperfect tense    He would always read when he was alone.Il lisait toujours quand il à ©tait seul.Last year, I would sleep until noon every day.Lannà ©e dernià ¨re, je dormais jusqu midi tous les jours.English modals may be followed by have plus a past participle to express perfect (completed) actions. Translating this construction usually requires a French verb in a perfect tense/mood followed by an infinitive. could have   pouvoir (in the conditional perfect)    I could have helped you.Jaurais pu vous aider.We could have eaten.Nous aurions pu manger. may/might have   peut-à ªtre, se pouvoir (plus past subjunctive)    I may/might have done it.Je lai peut-à ªtre fait, Il se peut que je laie fait. must have   devoir (in the passà © composà ©)   You must have seen it.Vous avez dà » le voir.He must have eaten.Il a dà » manger. Shall/will have   French future perfect   I shall/will have eaten.Jaurai mangà ©.He will have arrived by noon.Il sera arrivà ©Ã‚ avant midi. Should have  devoir (in the conditional perfect)    You should have helped.Vous auriez dà » aider.We should have eaten.Nous aurions dà » manger. Would have   French conditional perfect    I would have helped you.Je vous aurais aidà ©.He would have eaten it.Il laurait mangà ©.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Preliminary Reference Procedure in Ensuring Uniformity and Consistent Essay
Preliminary Reference Procedure in Ensuring Uniformity and Consistent Development of European Union Law - Essay Example This paper stresses that the European Union preliminary ruling procedure places substantial vested interest in the national courts; it is the national courts, after-all, who are the first guarantors of Union law. One notes that the all-consuming nature of this ruling is parallel to the United States Supreme Court interpretive mechanism of law, wherein this judicial body represents the ultimate view on the subject matter. Indeed, the very name preliminary ruling procedure is slightly misleading as it seemingly indicates the origination of the interpretive process when in reality it is the endpoint of law. this essay has contained a discussion of the procedural nature of the ECJ's interaction. However, it should not be forgotten that the preliminary reference procedure is instrumental in allowing the ECJ to lay down new substantive legal principles. One need look no further for an example than the case of Van Gend. This was the first case in which the doctrine of direct effect was articulated. Today it has come to represent a seminal ruling in terms of preliminary procedure for its exploration of the limits and potential expansive nature of the process itself. At the time only Treaties were held to be directly effective, subsequently however, the principle has expanded and can now, stated generally, include virtually any form of EU legislation, so long as these are unequivocally articulated, not dependent on outside understanding, and grant a unique right to the claimant. Van Gend, as described above was a case brought to the ECJ under the preliminary reference procedure on a question of the interpretation of Article 30 TFEU. ... icle 110 TFEU occasioned the ECJs shift to primacy over national courts 5 Article 30 TFEU and the Preliminary Reference Procedure – the development of EU precedent 7 Preliminary Reference Procedure and the substantive development of the law 9 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 10 Introduction European Union preliminary reference procedure functions as the predominant interpretive mechanism in Union Law. Indeed, the preliminary reference procedure has been referred to as the ‘jewel in the Crown of the ECJ’s jurisdiction’ for this central position to the development of Union law (Barnard 2010, p109). It is a procedure that provides a vital contact point between the jurisdiction of the ECJ and the national courts, allowing legal issues relating legal issues that are correlated with the interpretation of Treaties to be mitigated throughout the European Union (Blackstone 2011). This preliminary ruling procedure is a unique element of the European Union legal structure. W hile interpretive and appellate processes are regularly aspects of most Western legal system, the European Union preliminary ruling procedure places substantial vested interest in the national courts; it is the national courts, after-all, who are the first guarantors of Union law. One notes that the all-consuming nature of this ruling is parallel to the United States Supreme Court interpretive mechanism of law, wherein this judicial body represents the ultimate view on the subject matter. Indeed, the very name preliminary ruling procedure is slightly misleading as it seemingly indicates the origination of the interpretive process when in reality it is the endpoint of law. This process emerged with the formulation of the European Union judicial system and is specifically described in the Treaty on the
Friday, October 18, 2019
ANswer the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ANswer the questions - Assignment Example In the piece, the followers are fond of Jones due to his thoughts and ideas. Jones is also of good character. He is admired for his conduct, nature, and constructive ideas. There are several explanations that help illustrate the relationship Jones had with his followers. It is evident, however, at some point; Jones was not a charismatic leader. Charismatic leaders are supposed to integrate the opinions and ideas of his followers and not just issue commands. Jones used threatening symbols and threats to ensure loyalty from the people. Unlike Jones, charismatic leaders should give their followers to come up with a platform that they can create solutions to problems. Charismatic leaders give their followers the freedom to express themselves and allow social interaction. For the better part of his life, jones was a transformational and charismatic leader. He was charming and even the high political leaders in San Francisco wanted to be associated with him. He was able to develop ideas that integrated racial equity. Jim Jones was not concerned with race and did not practice any racial bias. He was devoted to helping the oppressed especially the African-Americans (Caulla 154). His approach of an ideal and better world made devotion to his cause possible. Most people that would have found out about Jones addiction to drug use would stop following and believing in him. Furthermore, he let his personal attributes get the best of him. His close associates did not want the public and his followers to know about the massacre. He played with the public’s emotion to ensure his relevance. At one point, jones argued that the people that committed suicide did a justified cause to a revolutionary action that disproves a brutal
Current State of Credit Card Industry in America Essay
Current State of Credit Card Industry in America - Essay Example This essay offers a thorough analysis of the state of the credit card market in the United states. Since the early eighties, the credit card industry in America have been controlled by the banking and financial associations, namely VISA and Master Card International. Over the years, several merchants have entered the credit markets and have strategically focused on expanding their market share which led to the flooding of credit cards in the US market. Looking at the rapid expansion of the credit card market; there are ominous signs for default in card payments which is the next most likely risk in the US economy after the mortgage crisis. This is due to the fact that the customers repayment capability of the credit card customers have declined after the economic crisis due to loss of jobs, fall of income, foreclosure of their homes, etc. The credit card risk in USA has serious consequences for the credit companies, financial sector and the economy of US. The payment default of the customers would result in the loss of return on investments for the banks and credit card companies. The personal finance schemes would prove to be a failure and the credit card companies would loose huge amounts lent in the US market. This loss would affect the liquidity of the companies and the investors would loose confidence on the company’s performance. The market information on the declining performance of the companies would result in erosion of shareholder’s wealth and the share prices in the market would fall. The overall decline in performance of the credit card industry would affect the market performance and the market index would plunge once more after the global financial crisis (Jickling 88). Proposed Solution The solutions to overcome the next most likely risk in the credit card markets of US have been proposed as follows. The increase in the credit card market risk is due to the intention of the market players to squeeze the borrowers to the fullest and restore their profit margins after receiving a setback from the losses of the mortgage market. The proposed solution includes intervention of the government to cut back the rising interest rates and the deceptive tactics employed by the credit card issues in charging the customers with more amount of repayment. Already the income level of the customers has lowered and a further rise in interest of the credit card companies would extract the entire liquidity from the economy and would raise the subsequent risk of credit card default . Thus government regulations on stabilization of the interest rates and reduction of the hidden costs would help to maintain a position of equilibrium in the credit card market. Secondly, the tightening of the eligibility criteria for credit cards is another solution proposed to avoid the future consequences. The credit cards in the US markets should be issued to worthy borrowers by estimating their income level and repayment capability. Customers like the students who have limitations in repaying the borrowed amounts should not be flooded with credit cards. These policies of the credit card companies are likely to resolve the situation of a likely future crisis in the credit card industry. Consequences of what happens if change is not made The future consequences are grave if changes in the credit card policies and the interest rates are implemented by the market players. The customers who have been facing a constraint in liquidity level would use the credit cards as their last re sort. If the ever rising interests rates initially from 10% to 15% and then to 20% in the subsequent stages are not cut back, this will increase the
Project work of a British company profile Essay
Project work of a British company profile - Essay Example The first store to be opened was in 1929 in Burnt Oak, and the first self service store was later opened in St Albans in 1956 making it the first and self service which was operational up to 2010. Due to the need to expand and the customers and products being congested, the management saw the need to relocate to a larger premise on the same street. During 1950s, Tesco grew bigger and the management started to expand more thus acquiring more than 800 stores in London (Simms, 2007). For example, in 1957 the company bought 70 Williamsons stores, in 1959 other 200 Harrow stores outlet stores were opened and in 1960, 212 Irwin stores among others. The motto of the business was to pile it high and sell it cheap and this made the customers to flock in the supermarket. The company kept on expanding and in 1995, Tesco introduced a loyalty card and later in the same year an internet shopping services were also available for the customers. In 2006, Tesco announced the need to move into United S tates making sure that grocery stores were opened in the western states making it to have an idea to expand globally. The main section that Tesco usually deals with is Tesco Superstores. This is a supermarket that is stocked with groceries and other non food goods and the stores are normally branded as Tesco. The supermarket usually deals with groceries and the store first operated in Liverpool. Tesco express to provide food stuffs to the customers and shopping is done at Tesco express and later the food stuffs are packed. The stores are found in busy districts and in residential areas where the customers get access to the products (Nash, 2006). Tesco Extra stores are hypermarkets that provide all kind of product ranges. These are largest supermarkets and they are stocked with food, clothing, electronic gargets and entertainment systems. The hypermarket is usually on two floors to make sure that all range of products is available
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Module 3 Principles of Human Resources using Performance Appraisals Essay
Module 3 Principles of Human Resources using Performance Appraisals - Essay Example Appraisals also identify the below-par performers who then may be subjected to counseling or punitive action such as pay cuts, demotions or in the extreme case dismissal or decreases in pay. The necessity of performance appraisals is a debated issue. While on one hand a number of authors feel that it is one aspect of corporate organizations that creates significant hindrance to effective management of human resources (Derven, 1990), authors like Lawrie (1990) feel it to be indespensible and possibly one of the most crucial aspects of organizational management. The fundamental reason behind opinions spread over both ends of the spectrum is that these are based upon observations about successes and failures of appraisals in engendering warranted results. I believe that it is not the action of evaluating employees through appraisals but rather the manner in which these are administered that leads to such different results. The necessity of performance appraisals is intricately tied to the objectives and policies of the organization. For organizations that believe in generating employee loyalty and try and minimize employee turnovers performance appraisals can play a very important role. Further, appraisals offer the opportunity to focusing on activities and objectives, to locate and cure problems found to be existing, and thereby to provide encouragement for better performances in future. This, effectively done can thus improve the aggregative performance of the whole organization. The appraisals also embody the opportunity mutual recognition and agreement of individual training and development needs. Discussion of any workers performance can beyond argument establish lack or abundance of skills which otherwise in a generic voting situation or centralized meeting situation cannot become clear. So, performance appraisals can definitely establish the necessity of training as well as the
Current Economic Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region Research Paper
Current Economic Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region - Research Paper Example Japanese political administration and economic pundits are working hard to revive the ailing Japanese economy. However, these efforts were not met with success yet. Economists have different opinions about the reasons of economic crisis in Japan. Some of them blame macroeconomic factors whereas others blame microeconomic factors for Japan’s economic crisis. In any case, it is a fact that the present economic climate in Japan is not so good compared to that in the 60’s and 70’s. Chris Burges, in his article, "Can Immigration Reform Really Save Japan?" argues that immigration may help Japan immensely in regaining its economic growth back on track. He has pointed out that out of the forecasted 86 million population in Japan by 2060, 40% would be over the age of 65. In other words, rising life expectancy and falling birth rates cause rapid ageing in Japan. Burges argue that without immigration, Japan may struggle to find enough labor power to meet the requirements in near future. This paper analyses the claim that immigration reform can really save Japan. According to Hidenori Sakanaka, a former director of the Tokyo Immigration Bureau, Only immigration can save Japan. He proposes bringing in 10 million migrants over 50 years (Burges). It is a fact that Japanese products are still number one in terms of quality in global market. Chinese products are dominating in global market at present, primarily because of the cheap price. On the other hand, quality conscious consumers still go for Japanese products if they are capable of spending few dollars more. In other words, higher price is the major problem which prevent Japanese products from competing in international market. The major reason for the higher prices of Japanese products is the expensive labor. In other words, manpower shortage is a severe problem in Japan at present. It should be noted that China
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Project work of a British company profile Essay
Project work of a British company profile - Essay Example The first store to be opened was in 1929 in Burnt Oak, and the first self service store was later opened in St Albans in 1956 making it the first and self service which was operational up to 2010. Due to the need to expand and the customers and products being congested, the management saw the need to relocate to a larger premise on the same street. During 1950s, Tesco grew bigger and the management started to expand more thus acquiring more than 800 stores in London (Simms, 2007). For example, in 1957 the company bought 70 Williamsons stores, in 1959 other 200 Harrow stores outlet stores were opened and in 1960, 212 Irwin stores among others. The motto of the business was to pile it high and sell it cheap and this made the customers to flock in the supermarket. The company kept on expanding and in 1995, Tesco introduced a loyalty card and later in the same year an internet shopping services were also available for the customers. In 2006, Tesco announced the need to move into United S tates making sure that grocery stores were opened in the western states making it to have an idea to expand globally. The main section that Tesco usually deals with is Tesco Superstores. This is a supermarket that is stocked with groceries and other non food goods and the stores are normally branded as Tesco. The supermarket usually deals with groceries and the store first operated in Liverpool. Tesco express to provide food stuffs to the customers and shopping is done at Tesco express and later the food stuffs are packed. The stores are found in busy districts and in residential areas where the customers get access to the products (Nash, 2006). Tesco Extra stores are hypermarkets that provide all kind of product ranges. These are largest supermarkets and they are stocked with food, clothing, electronic gargets and entertainment systems. The hypermarket is usually on two floors to make sure that all range of products is available
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Current Economic Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region Research Paper
Current Economic Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region - Research Paper Example Japanese political administration and economic pundits are working hard to revive the ailing Japanese economy. However, these efforts were not met with success yet. Economists have different opinions about the reasons of economic crisis in Japan. Some of them blame macroeconomic factors whereas others blame microeconomic factors for Japan’s economic crisis. In any case, it is a fact that the present economic climate in Japan is not so good compared to that in the 60’s and 70’s. Chris Burges, in his article, "Can Immigration Reform Really Save Japan?" argues that immigration may help Japan immensely in regaining its economic growth back on track. He has pointed out that out of the forecasted 86 million population in Japan by 2060, 40% would be over the age of 65. In other words, rising life expectancy and falling birth rates cause rapid ageing in Japan. Burges argue that without immigration, Japan may struggle to find enough labor power to meet the requirements in near future. This paper analyses the claim that immigration reform can really save Japan. According to Hidenori Sakanaka, a former director of the Tokyo Immigration Bureau, Only immigration can save Japan. He proposes bringing in 10 million migrants over 50 years (Burges). It is a fact that Japanese products are still number one in terms of quality in global market. Chinese products are dominating in global market at present, primarily because of the cheap price. On the other hand, quality conscious consumers still go for Japanese products if they are capable of spending few dollars more. In other words, higher price is the major problem which prevent Japanese products from competing in international market. The major reason for the higher prices of Japanese products is the expensive labor. In other words, manpower shortage is a severe problem in Japan at present. It should be noted that China
Bill of Rights and Amendments Paper Essay Example for Free
Bill of Rights and Amendments Paper Essay The United States Constitution was ratified and made law September 17, 1789. For Americas yet-to-be history the Framers knew the Constitution had to have a way to grow and change with the people, and their needs. This paper will cover the amendment process, the need for the Bill of Rights, how the Bill of Rights has affected America, what the Bill of Rights have granted American’s, discuss the later amendments, and what effect the later amendments have had. Amendments In order for America to continue to grow and change with the needs of the people, the Constitution was created with an amendment process in Article V. Article V gives two ways in which the Constitution can be amended; first is by a two-thirds vote from both the House or Representatives and the Senate, it must be ratified by 38 of the50 states. To date this is the only method that has been used. Second method is to hold a Convention called for the sole purpose of amending and two-thirds of the state legislatures must attend. Then it must be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures. The Constitution The Framers of the Constitution were specifically concerned with creating a charter for a working government, of the people, for the people, but the Constitution covered very few rights for the American citizen. During the secret convention of 1787,there was some opposition to the Constitution because it was viewed as not having enough protections for Americas’ rights. â€Å"A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth†Jefferson, T (1787). Including an agreement to add immediately the Bill of Rights, gave way for the Constitution to be ratified. James Madison argued that a declaration of rights for the American people would help the judiciary branch protect individual rights. â€Å"They have given the right of man and fair discussion, and explained them in so clear and forcible manner as cannot fail to make a lasting impression†Washington, G. (1791). The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights has affected countless court cases on individual rights. Communities and states can become involved to push moral or financial standards on others, and the Bill of Rights stops neighbors, states, and the federal government from infringing on the rights of an individual. The Bill of Rights protects the civil liberties that Americans are granted with citizenship, but it also gives America something to strive to be. The Bill of Rights is an ideal, a powerful statement of what America is trying to be. Amendments beyond the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights accounts for amendments one through ten. Each of the additional 17 amendments has come about because of clarification needed for the original mechanics of the first three articles or to ensure civil rights. Amendments 11,16, and 24 are for clarifications of Article III. Amendments 12, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, and 27are for further clarification of Articles I and II. Amendment 23 is further clarification of Article I. Only six amendments are to provide or clarify civil rights, those are13, 14, 15, 18, 19, and 21. Amendment 18 is the only one ever repealed. As we take a deeper look at amendments 13,14, and 15 they were also known as the Reconstruction Amendments. After the Civil War in early 1865 amendment 13 to abolish slavery, was found to be lacking in clarification of what happened to the freed slaves, and the 14th amendment was proposed in 1866, to allow all slaves citizenship. After this the rights for freed Black men came into question, the 15th amendment was created, that race would not bar anyone from the right to vote. Effects of the Constitutional Amendments The amendments beyond the Bill of Rights have each come when needed for the political and changing human rights that America has faced in the past 224 years. Rights have been granted; laws passed and recalled when they were no longer applicable for the climate of what Americans wanted for themselves. Clarifications for the running of the United States government, what should happen in case of emergencies and representation of all citizens have come from a government for the people, by the people. Conclusion Article V of the United States Constitution provides for America to change. The Framers knew that a simple document that was black and white could not govern a people for all time. Our Constitution is alive; it grows with America, and allows changes to be made allowing it stay relevant
Monday, October 14, 2019
Stereotypes and English Language Learning
Stereotypes and English Language Learning When I was working on my undergraduate degree the professor asked the students of the college class to consider what our preconceived ideas and prejudices were about our future students. When I really thought about it I found that I did have prejudices against certain cultures more than others. I found that I considered Caucasian and Asian students to be smart and well behaved and considered African American and Hispanic students as not as smart and poorly behaved. It bothered me quite a bit but I realized I could not change if I did not recognize my faults. Obviously this is not true. The intelligence of a person is not based on their skin color or culture. The thoughts I had in my head came from somewhere. In this research paper I will explore the issue of stereotypes as it pertains to English Language Learners (ELL) who speak Spanish as their first language in particular. When I refer to Hispanic students in this paper I am inferring the student is also an ELL student. I work with Spanish speaking students, primarily Mexican. I felt researching this subgroup would be most beneficial to me and my co-workers. Much of the information could be accurate for other groups as well. The definition of stereotype according to (2010) is, A set of inaccurate, simplistic generalizations about a group that allows others to categorize them and treat them accordingly. Unfortunately the majority of the stereotypes about Hispanic people are overwhelmingly negative. Some examples of stereotypes against Mexican students are, (1) gang members, (2) boys are macho, (3) girls should be submissive or objectified, (4) large families/many children, (5) dirty, (6) illegal aliens, (7) parents work mainly in the hotel and landscaping industries(Terra, 2010. The photographs below demonstrate some of the images that people are subjected to. People who are not in contact with adults and children from the Hispanic cultures may think that this is how all people from Hispanic backgrounds truly look. Images speak a 1,000 words. The media including television, magazines, and the Internet often perpetuate the stereotypes of different cultures. According to the Media Awareness Network, stereotypes act like codes that show audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of people. The image usually relates to a persons class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation (Media Awareness Network, 2010). The images Hispanic children and teens are bombarded with can cause confusion. They may get brainwashed into believing that they are supposed to look and behave in a stereotypical manner. The problem with media stereotyping is that stereotyping can reduce substantially the amount of personal differences about people into an over simplified category. Media stereotyping can also convert assumptions about particular groups of people into what is commonly considered a fact. People in power use the media stereotypes to justify statements they make. The media stereotypes also perpetuate inequality and social prejudice (Media Awareness Network, 2010). More often than not, the groups being stereotyped has little to say about how they are represented (Media Awareness Network, 2010). For example television corporations have a lot of power, control, and influence over what images they put on the television programming. If the station chooses to put images of gang violence or stereotypical Hispanic images the culture represented would have an uphill battle trying to get the television station to change the programming to a more positive view of the Hispanic culture. It is important for teachers to attempt to help filter the harmful effects of the media that students of all cultures are bombarded with on a daily basis. Careful selection of books, videos, internet sites, magazines, and activities need to be carefully evaluated before showing them to students. I constantly complain about what I see on television when I watch programs with my sixteen year old daughter. We talk about the inaccuracies and stereotypes. If teachers make children aware of the stereotypes on television the students will learn to see the bias for themselves. After listening to the A-Z lectures (Blecher-Sass Russell-Fowler, 2010) and reviewing the slides it occurred to me how important it is to have a classroom that is representative and respectful of the cultures contained in it in order to address stereotyping. I also know that it is important to expose the children to cultures from around the world. The world is becoming a small place with the instant information of the World Wide Web. Collages came to mind when I thought about representing the different types of people within a culture. Referencing the picture above, the images represented do show people from a Hispanic culture, but so do the three images inserted below. The collage project would be a wonderful activity for the students to undertake. The students would write reports and make collage posters to represent different cultures. I would let them pick from all areas of the world so that we would have a variety of cultures represented in the classroom (Blecher-Sass Russell-Fowler, 2010). (Getty Images, 2010) Traditions can also be a part of a stereotype of a culture. For example, not all Hispanic girls will have a Quinceanera (Terra, 2010). Some Hispanic girls might have a sweet 16 or no significant party at all. I think it is important for teachers to have the parents of the children volunteer in the classroom to share family traditions. My school is 87% Hispanic (CCSD, 2010). It would be extremely interesting and beneficial to the students to learn about the different traditions of their friends families. Many of the students have a culture in common but each family is unique. It is important to highlight the differences and the distinctive attributes of every family. When people think of parent involvement in schools, they typically imagine a middle-class parent attending a PTA meeting or school board meeting, or volunteering to make cupcakes for a class party (Airola, 2004). In this example there is a preconceived notion that only certain people are welcome at school. Or that people need a certain set of skills to help at school. I had a parent just the other day tell me her stay at home husband, only spoke Spanish, when I mentioned I would love for him to come and volunteer in the classroom. I told her that it did not matter. Her husband was uncomfortable volunteering in an English speaking kindergarten classroom. I will continue to welcome all my parents into my classroom. People can stereotype themselves. Sometimes it is comfortable to be what the media says you are. All students may not be headed to college, once they graduate. It is important to make sure that it is the students choice. Educators must not use stereotyping to pigeon hole a student into any educational, vocational, career, or job choice. I have heard too many stories of successful adults that have been told they were, not college material (Jackson, 2010). Teachers should provide students with positive role models, of former ELL students, who have overcome the obstacle of being a non-English speaker, and how they have become success stories. Clark County School District has 65.4% of students who are considered part of the minority population. Hispanic students make up the largest population of students in the Clark County School District (CCSD, 2010). It is imperative that teachers do not stereotype the students into what the media and politicians would like community members to believe. The students that teachers are educating today will be the leaders of tomorrow. (CCSD, 2010) According to Pew Hispanic Center 23% of the Hispanic children in the state of Nevada live in poverty (Demographic Profile of Hispanics in Nevada, 2008, 2010). Nearly one quarter of the children live in low-income areas and go to low socioeconomic schools. The teachers need to take into account that many of the students do not see Hispanic role models in professional jobs in the environment where they live. Teachers have the responsibility to bring in speakers and volunteers to work with the children and open the students eyes to the big wide world outside of their neighborhood. If the children see successful adults who look like them it just may foster their ambition to reach for higher goals in the future. Another definition of a stereotype is a generalized image of a person or group, which does not acknowledge individual differences and which is often prejudicial to that person or group. Many of our students may encounter a feeling of not belonging due to their language and/or culture. An educators job is to try and help students avoid these possible situations by addressing the issue with our entire class, staff, and all that come in contact with the child. Success can only be achieved when all those involved agree to work as a team (Blecher-Sass Russell-Fowler, 2010).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Internet Censorship & Libraries Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essa
  Libaries across the nation are in a dilemma, should they filter what information is available to it's visitors via the Internet? This scenario is being debated all across the United States. Many states are arguing over whether or not the library has the authority to limit what information is accessible via the Internet computers at the library. The argument is over the First Amendment right of Free Speech. There are family groups who are actually in favor of allowing unfiltered access on the Internet, not what one would think. These groups also support the notion of parents being with their children while they are on the Internet, not something that all parents have the luxury of being able to do. Other groups want the public Internet access points to be filtered, making the claim that any child at anytime can be harmfully exposed to Internet information that they may incorrectly understand. I will be showing options on what the local library should do, and expl aining how I think the issue should be addressed from a topology standpoint as well as a technical one.   Public Libraries  Libraries in the United States have been battling censorship since the American Library Association issued its first Library Bill of Rights in 1939. This document proclaimed the American Library Association's policy on intellectual freedom. With this bill libraries have been successful in defending their collections against censorship and supporting their right to provide unrestricted access to information for all users. Now the battleground has shifted from books to electronic information, mainly the Internet. Censorship of books has decreased, and has in turn shifted and gained much more attention in ... ... Unknown. (1998). City Officials to consider filtering Internet at public libraries. [Online]. Available: [1998, Nov.15]. Wallace, Jonathon. (1997). Labelling, rating and filtering systems on the Internet. [Online]. Available: [1997, Sep. 02]. Wallace, Jonathon. "Purchasing of Blocking Software by Public Libraries in Unconstitutional: A Briefing Paper," available at Michels, Spencer. "Easy Access? Should on-line porn be available at local libraries?" Transcript available at [Aug 7, 1997].  Libraries struggle to control public Internet terminals. [Online]. Available: [1999, Jan, 25]. Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
american folk :: essays research papers
The dancer is a man wearing leather boots, loose fitting red silk pants, and a white shirt with colored embroidering down the middle. His hair is shaved to the scalp except for a small circle on the top of his head, where the hair is about half a foot long. He squats down low, and kicks his feet out with his body upright and his arms folded. The dance has a historic meaning behind it, dating back to when Russia took over Ukraine. A group of organized rebels known as the Cossacks, who hoped to end Russian Rule, isolated themselves in a fort in the Carpathian Mountains. The dancer symbolizes a triumphant Cossack warrior. During festivals and other celebrations, the Hopak was a common dance. This dance is still taught to Ukrainian Americans today, starting at age seven. At Ukrainian debutante balls, the men who know the dance do it during a specific song, which is played at every ball. There are also professional dance groups who perform the Hopak around the United States and Canada. T he dancers today still wear the traditional clothing, but the hairstyle has become much less common. Many Ukrainians forget the dance with time, but those who remember it take great pride in their ability and perform the dance at nearly every ball and celebration they attend. This dance exists as a representation of Ukraine’s history, in particular the conflict with Russia. However, in the past, it served an entirely different function. The Hopak originates from the Kozac, which is an older Ukrainian dance. The Kozac is named after the Cossacks, who performed it, and it’s essentially the workout they performed to â€Å"warm up†for battle. â€Å"The movements were part of a regime of calisthenics to keep the Cossacks fit for battles.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Physiological Disorders
Physiological disorders: In this assignment I am going to describe two physiological disorder in details, the details that I am going to go into is what the disorder is, signs and symptoms, cause of the disorder, physiological changes as a result of treatment and the factors influencing the development of the disorder, explain the signs and symptoms related to two named physiological disorders, describe the investigations that care carried out to enable the diagnosis of these physiological disorders and assess possible difficulties involved in the diagnosis of the disorders from their signs and symptoms.P1 The two physiological disorders that I am going to talk about are Diabetes and Asthma. Diabetes: What is diabetes? Diabetes is when your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use its own insulin as well as it should. Insulin is a hormone and also a protein, which is made by the cells within the pancreas. This causes the sugar to build up in your blood. Most of the food that w e eat is turned into glucose, which is a sugar that gives us physical energy.The pancreas an organ near the stomach makes the insulin which then helps the glucose to get to our bodies, when that process is not happening that’s when diabetes occurs. Diabetes can be able to cause severe health problems and this can be to the heart, causing kidney failure, causing blindness, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetes is a very common disorder and most elderly people seem to get it and they body slowly stops working. The signs and symptoms of diabetes There are two types of diabetes; there is type 1 and type 2.Type 1 is a condition which is called Ketoacidosis, which happens when a cid compounds from the blood. Type 2 appears mainly in people over the age of 40, signs and symptoms develop more slowly as most of the time it is not recognised because of the illness they might have. Most people with type 2 diabetes do not receive any symptoms in their blood if the glucose level is no t too high. Type 1: * Blurred vision * Dry mouth * Outstanding thirst * Loss of weight * Weakness or exhaustion * Regular urination Type 2: * Leg pain * Dry mouth * Unnecessary thirst * Always needing to go to the toilet Skin which itches or has yeast infection * Blurred vision * Certain medicine * Pregnancy * Age * Illness or damage to the pancreas * Cut or sores which take longer to heal The causes of diabetes Diabetes is caused when the pancreas does not make enough or any of the hormones (insulin) needed or when the insulin does not work as well as. This causes the level of glucose in the blood to too high. In type 1 the cells in the pancreas that make the insulin are damaged, causing a cruel require of insulin left. This is known when the body attacks and damages its own cells in the pancreas.No one knows why this happens, but something must trigger it off and this could contain, infections with definite virus or bacteria, experience of food or chemical toxins and introduced as a young child to cow’s milk. In type 2 the receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the act of insulin stop motivating. This is known as insulin resistance. When this happens more insulin might be produced and this over produces at that stage which then stops the cells in the pancreas. This is when is stops working properly. What happens while and after treatmentsType 1: Type 1 diabetes treatment is an everyday task. This is because the lack of insulin production by the pancreas is difficult to control. Treatments include being carefully calculated diets, planned physical activities, daily insulin injections and home blood glucose testing a certain number of times a day. Type 2: Type 2 diabetes treatments include exercise, diet control, home blood glucose testing and in some cases oral medication. Only about 40% of people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are mandatory to have insulin injections.The risks which can influence diabetes The risks of diabetes can mostly be genetically or when you do not look after yourself properly. In type 1 is risks will mostly be if it’s genetically. In the family, if anyone that has type 1 diabetes it could be a parent or sibling. Genetics, when checked through clinical trials to see if someone who has a family history of the type. Geography, people living in different places might be affected with diabetes more than someone living in London. Viral experience may trigger the virus if the cells are infected.Low vitamin D levels, like when early drinking of cow’s milk because that’s the common foundation of vitamin D. Other dietary factors like Omega 3 fatty acids offer protection against type 1 diabetes. In type 2 the risks are more to do with obesity and looking after yourself physically and mentally, the older you get you might become obese, lack of exercise not being active and being lazy and overweight. Your diet, when you’re eating unhealthy food all the time. Any fam ily history where you cannot do much about your genetic history but you have been aware and you are ready.As you get older it seems to find you, as you age type 2 diabetes develop as the pancreas pumps less insulin and high blood pressure and high cholesterol are the two major symptoms of pre diabetes. Asthma: What is asthma? Asthma is a very common circumstance where the airways happen to irritated and inflamed, this causes the airway to become more narrower than normal and produce extra mucus, it makes the airway muscles much more tighter which makes it harder for the air to stream into and out of the lungs and makes it harder to breathe.Asthma causes coughing, attacks which are triggered by exercise, wheezing, tightness of the cheat and breathlessness and this could happen at any age. People, who have asthma and search out for the correct treatment will be able to lead a normal life, people who do not search out for the correct treatment they can experience from brutal asthma att acks. This will cause eternal damage to the airways. The signs and symptoms of asthma The there a few common signs and symptoms of asthma and they are: Shortness of breathe * Coughing * Wheezing * Tightness in your chest Asthma symptoms can be easy-going, reasonable or brutal. These symptoms are likely to be changeable and may stop and start and usually get worse at night as your body is more relaxed. The cause of asthma The cause of asthma has not been found out yet. The symptoms that will trigger the airways in your lung and make an asthma attack happen or get worse is: * Chemicals * Dust, cigarette smoke or fumes * Weather * Infections like colds and flu Allergies to pollen, medicines, animals or certain food * Emotions (laughing or crying as it causes stress) What happens while and after treatment While an asthma attack occurs your airways happens to be irritated and inflamed, the cells in your throat produce more mucus which is a sticky material that clogs up the airways in the lungs, the airways swell up because of what ever has caused the asthma attack, the muscles in your lungs tighten which become much smaller than normal.This will cause the narrowing of the airways to bring on the symptoms much quicker and take place for a longer time. When an asthma attack appears you should take your reliever treatment immediately if possible with a spacer, always make sure you are sitting down and relaxing, wait for about 5-10 minutes and see what happens. If the symptoms fade away then you will not have to do anything, but if they do not fade away then you should call a doctor or an ambulance and at the same time continue taking your reliever until help arrives.There are only a few treatments for asthma but if you are taking them you have to make sure you always are because that particular treatment will be chosen in a way that works best for you, and will be the only thing that can help you. There are inhalers, which are devices which you put into your mouth and press down so the gas which is inside can get to your airways. To get the right cure from the inhaler you will have to use it properly and make sure you are inhaling it into your mouth. There are two types of inhalers that can be used for asthma, reliever which treat your symptoms from happening.The reliever can be short or long acting, a short acting reliever includes medicine which helps to expand your airways and quickly relieve your symptoms where as a long acting reliever just includes medicine. Relievers are mainly a blue or green colour. Preventer which can prevent your symptoms is used every day, which help you to prevent the symptoms. Preventer contains steroid medicine that helps to decrease the inflammation of your airways. There can be side affect if it’s taken way to much like every hour or so. It will cause a sore mouth or throat.Also it can take up to six weeks for the preventer to work and once it has started to work you will not have to use your inhaler anym ore. Theses preventer are mainly brown, orange or red in colour. Spacers are a long tube which clips on to an inhaler and at the end of the tube there is a mouthpiece which you breathe into and out. This is so you can use your inhaler if you are having any problems. Nebuliser is a medicine made up of mist from water, which you breathe into. They distribute more of the drug to where it is needed the most; this is quicker and better than most inhalers.This is only particular vital if you have reasonable or brutal asthma attacks. The risks which can influence asthma Risks which can influence asthma are most likely being, when you have a family member who has or used to have asthma severe or mild. Smoking also influences the risks of asthma as you are inhaler tobacco into your lungs and tobacco consist of a lot harmful drugs. It say been said if you are a women you are more likely to suffer from asthma, obesity can be a risk as if you was obese you would have more problems breathing. P2 The signs and symptoms of having asthma are when you are short of breath, oughing, wheezing and tightness in your chest. If you are experiencing these symptoms then you should instantly can action and take your treatments first. If using your inhalers do not help then you should call for professional help as soon as possible as it could get worse. If you cannot make the call then make sure there is someone else with you who can. The signs and symptoms of having diabetes could be several of things. There are two types of diabetes and type 1 creates blurred vision, dry mouth, outstanding thirst, and loss of weight, weakness or exhaustion, regular urination.When experiencing theses symptoms you should call for professional help. As you could not know which type of diabetes you have, as the doctor will examine you and find out more. Having type2 diabetes this will give leg pain, dry mouth, and unnecessary thirst, always needing to go to the toilet, skin which itches or has yeast infect ion, blurred vision, certain medicine, pregnancy, age, illness or any sort of damaged to the pancreas and cuts/sores which take longer to heal than usual. When experiencing theses symptoms you should sort call for professional as you will find out more from a doctor. P3 & M1When a patient is diagnosed with any kind disorders firstly it will be referral, this is when you contact professional help. This could be done by you, family or friends. After being checked properly by a professional, the professional will know what is wrong and what to do next. The investigation, is so they can find out the signs and symptoms so they will check for medical history, palpation, might need to do a blood test or a urine test, radiological investigation, function test and measurement. By then everything that needs to be found out will have been and you will receive and get the best treatment and advice given.With asthma the investigation will start by the doctor examining you to find signs and sympt oms, the doctor will perform a chest x-ray which indicates a hyperventilated chest. It also helps to tell between from the cause of breathlessness you might have. A pulmonary function testing that indicates an obstructive pattern of the airway. The doctor may check the sputum because it could be thick and viscous and may indicate eosinophils and also when a patient as an acute attack, examination of the arterial blood gases would point out the severity of the disease.With diabetes because there are two types, type 1 and type 2 there a several investigations. If type 1 diabetes is diagnosed then firstly the investigation will begin by the doctor examining you to find signs and symptoms, and then the doctor will perform a screening where the plasma glucose, random glucose, capillary blood glucose and urine glucose is being checked. This helps to see if a person has been diagnosed then to see the development of diabetes. The doctors will look into family history as diabetes can be foun d in someone if a family member has diabetes.Urine tests will also be taken and the tests will be taken to the laboratory to see more clearly what type of diabetes they are looking for. With type2 diabetes the investigation will be quite similar the same checks will happen but in type 2 an hour test will be taken place to see the plasma glucose level. Urine tests will be taken and all tests will be sent off to the laboratory to be checked properly through microscopes to gets results and when results have been found it will be discussed between you and your doctor. When doctors and any professional leaders take into investigation and start work, things could go wrong.For example if there are two patients who have signs and symptoms of diabetes and want to find out if they really do. The urine tests might get mixed up while under the doctor’s protection. By this happening the results may not match and wrong information can be given out. This could be because one of the patient actually has diabetes and the other does not but because if the mix up the person who has diabetes has been shown by the results that they do not. Or when there are two people with the same surnames and the doctor is looking for any medical history which might help with their problem.This can happen while looking for the patients details by the surname and not reading the whole details about the person. This will cause several misunderstanding and confusion. Bibliography: Website http://www. nhs. uk/Conditions/Asthma/Pages/Symptoms. aspx http://www. emedicinehealth. com/asthma/article_em. htm http://asthma. about. com/od/faq/f/asthmaattack_lung. htm http://asthma. about. com/od/asthmabasics/a/Asthma_handle. htm http://www. healthcentral. com/asthma/introduction-000004_5-145. html http://www. bbc. co. uk/health/physical_health/conditions/in_depth/diabetes/aboutdiabetes_causes. html http://diabetes. webmd. com/tc/type-1-diabetes-what-happens http://chinese-school. netfirms. com/diabet es-causes. html http://diabetes. webmd. com/tc/type-2-diabetes-what-happens http://www. diabetes. co. uk/Diabetes-Risk-factors. html http://www. aarogya. com/conditions-and-diseases/asthma/395-symptoms-a-investigation-of-asthma. html http://generalhealthtopics. com/investigation-asthma-934. html http://www. cks. nhs. uk/diabetes_type_2/making_a_diagnosis/diagnosis/diagnostic_investigations http://manualofdiabetesmellitus. blogspot. com/2009/02/laboratory-tests-for-screening-and. html
Thursday, October 10, 2019
An investigation of code-switching in English classes at the University of Danang- College of Language Studies
Bilingual speakers usually tend to switch some words or phrases from one language to another during conversation, which is called â€Å"code-switching†. According to Heather Coffey, code-switching is the practice of moving between variations of languages in different contexts. Code-switching is also intentionally or unintentionally practiced frequently in class. This research will focus on code-switching practice in class of both teachers and students in Danang University- College of Language Studies, how it is performed, what effects it might create as well as some suggestions for this problem. Techniques for this research such as observations, interview and taking of field notes are used as means of data collection.Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Problem statementEnglish ranks second in top 10 Most Spoken Languages in the World. In Vietnam, learning English now is becoming more popular than ever before. For those who know English, they tend to mix the two languages, i.e. English and Vietnamese, in conversation. Code-switching, the practice of moving back and forth between two languages or between two dialects or registers of the same language, therefore is inevitable and sometimes unconscious, especially when they are having English classes.For example, in an English class at Danang University- College of Language Studies, a teacher says: â€Å"Cà ¡c em là m bà i writing rá »â€œi submit cho cà ´ qua mail.†, and students ask: â€Å"Deadline là khi nà o vá º y cà ´?†Those are just two in tons of code-switching that can be found in English classes. The frequency of finding code-switching practice inside classrooms is very high and it is worth paying attention to work on. That is the reason why I would like to take on this problem to investigate. 1.2 Research rationaleNowadays, English is an obligatory subject at school, a means of international communication, and a second language in our society. Our college, the College of La nguage Studies, offers official, integrated and advanced language training, of which the strength is English. Moreover, students who study English are better prepared and have larger vocabulary since they are taught English at high schools. Finally, it is not only students but also the teachers that code-switch in class for many reasons.Therefore, the finding of code-switching between English and Vietnamese is much higher than in other languages. By carrying out this study, I hope that it will help the students and the teachers as well be aware of code-switching in class and through some general suggestions for this issue, they can find specific solutions to avoid the drawbacks and make code-switching an effective tool for learning and teaching English. 1.3 Research scopeCode-switching is a broad topic since it occurs in many aspects of our lives. However, in this research, I only focus on code-switching in English classes performed by teachers and students of Danang University- Col lege of Language Studies- Department of English because I think it is more practical and feasible. Therefore, the process of interviewing and observation will take place in some English classes and some notes are also taken from the Internet. All the participants taking part in this study are required to use Vietnamese as their mother tongue, and English as their second language.1.4 Aims and objectivesThe study explores the use of code-switching in English classes at the College of Language Studies. Specific objectives are set as follows: Examine the frequency of code-switching found in these classes Investigate the fluency and accuracy of the participants who apply code-switching in their classes Investigate the purposes and reasons for the practice of code-switching in classes Present an array of the influences of this practice1.5 Research question– What is likely to be the frequency of the practice of code-switching in English classes? – What are the reasons and purposes for code-switching in English classes? – What are the effects that code-switching might create and what can be done to make it a useful tool for teaching and learning English?1.6 HypothesisFirstly, it is hypothesized that the frequency of code-switching among bilinguals is very high because of a number of reasons. It may occur because there are no equivalent words, to convey intimacy, to avoid being overheard or understood, to add emphasis and some other reasons. Such reasons were anticipated in the findings of Nguyen Ha Quyen (2011). In addition, Walid M Rihane (n.d) also provided five reasons for code-switching, which are solidarity, social status, topic, affection and persuasion.Secondly, there is a tendency of practicing code-switching in class more, especially amongst students since they are encouraged to use English in classes; their vocabulary and grammar, however, is sometimes not enough to express their feelings or ideas. This may cause some effects such as words and phrases are applied in the wrong way, some students might transcribe some words to the accents and dialects that they are familiar with and so on.Chapter 2: Literature Review2.1. Previous studies 2.1.1 Code-switching in conversationCode-switching is one of the major issues in bilingual research. According to Milroy and Muysken (1995), the switches occur in different ways, sometimes the switching occurs between the turns of speakers in a conversation, sometimes between utterances within a single turn and sometimes even with in a single utterance. Nguyen Ha Quyen (2011), also investigated code-switching in conversation of Vietnamese teenagers, she pointed out that â€Å"to some people, Code-switching has become a habit and most time occurs subconsciously when speaking with people at the same age†and that â€Å"code-switching should be viewed from the perspective of providing a linguistic advantage rather than an obstruction to communication.†2.1.2. Why do peop le code-switch?Code-switching often happens with bilinguals and there are many reasons for this. Walid M Rihane (n.d) argued that code-switching is motivated by five main factors, which are solidarity, social status, topic, affection and persuasion. Some research has also found that people code-switch to emphasize or clarify a particular point, to reinforce a request, to substitute a word or to express a concept that does not have a direct equivalent in other language. Specifically, Nguyen Ha Quyen (2011), provided some factors that influence code-switching, such as: – No equivalent words in Vietnamese.2.1.3 Code-switching in the classroomCurrently, there has been several research on this field. Ehsan Rezvani (2011), in the research â€Å"Code-switching in Iranian Elementary EFL Classrooms: An Exploratory Investigation†proved that â€Å"code-switching is a readily available and frequently applied strategy for foreign language teachers in classroom interaction and cla ssroom management†, â€Å"although the teacher enjoyed high English proficiency levels, they did not maximize the target language (i.e. English) in their classroom interactions†. In addition, Bulelwa Ndabeni (2002) argued in her research â€Å" An investigation of Code Switching in different learning areas in a grade seven class†that â€Å"code switching has an important role to play in the school classroom, but more longitudinal studies are needed on the implications of code-switching†.She noted that â€Å"we must also be careful of the other negative side of classroom code switching†; â€Å"teachers should be aware of the importance of code switching in the classroom, but they should not use it as an avoidance strategy†. In my research, therefore, I will present some general suggestions to make code switching more useful in English classes. Chapter 3: Methodology and procedures3.1 Research methodI propose a qualitative study using question naires, observation and in-depth interview methods. Specifically, I would like to use questionnaires to collect the data. One of the major advantages of this method is that it provides possible anonymity and avoids embarrassment on the part of the respondents. It can be easy to gather a large amount of information to analyze. However, using questionnaires also brings some drawbacks. Therefore, I would also choose natural observation, which involves observing behavior as it takes place in the environment. In this case, the environment is inside the classroom of English classes. Observation is a useful strategy.For Saurab, â€Å"It is the primary mode of acquiring knowledge about the environment†. This method will help the researcher avoid the wide range of problems that is usually found if using questionnaires. For example, when having questionnaires delivered to the respondents, the researcher might not always get accurate or complete answer, or respondents may answer in ways that correspond to what is socially desirable. In addition, in-depth interview is used as well. This is a powerful data collection method. The biggest advantage of this method is that there is time for the respondent to further develop and give reasons for his or her point of view- without being influenced by the opinion of other respondents.3.2 Description of population and sampleThe participants of the study are teachers and students of The University of Danang- College of Language Studies- Department of English. Those participants, especially students, come from different cities and provinces. The gap of facilities needed to learn English, therefore, may exist amongst the students. Furthermore, the participants are required to use Vietnamese as their mother tongue, and English as their second language.The chosen type of sample is simple random sample, i.e. each unit in the population has an equal chance of being selected. According to Natalie Andrew, â€Å"freedom of human b ias and classification error remains one of the biggest advantages simple random sampling offer†and â€Å"if done right, simple random sampling results in a sample highly representative of the population of interest.†3.3 Data CollectionInformation will be collected by observing randomly some English classes with Vietnamese teachers. These classes could be for first year or even final year students, since even first year students study integrated English. The researcher will record the date or take some notes. Furthermore, as mentioned above, questionnaire will be used as one of the method to collect the information. The questionnaires will include both closed and open questions and they will be delivered to random classes in the college. In addition, some interviews are also conducted to find out the ways and the reasons for code-switching. The interviewer will ask some closed and open questions and then probe for elaboration. In this way, data will be collected by tak ing notes.3.4 Instrument for data analysisThere will be some instrument needed for data analysis. For interview, it is needed to have a computer and a recorder apart from notes. The computer is to type and edit questions and answers and to save the information after the interview. It is used to design the questionnaires as well. It is also necessary to have a simple calculator to figure out the frequency of the practice of code-switching through its occurrences. In some cases, Microsoft Excel is used as a tool to help the researcher analyze faster and more accurately.3.5 Data analysis and expected findingsData collected will be dissected by logical and statistical techniques to correspond to the followings: the frequency of using code-switching in English classes of both teachers and students, the purposes and the ways of practicing code-switching. The researcher will count the occurrence of code-switching in the data collected, then identify the frequency. Information from the inte rview and questionnaires will be analyzed mainly to get the reasons and manners of performing code-switching in classes. Finally, the researcher makes a report to present the findings.
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