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Empiricism Essay Example For Students

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Values. Value Is Defined As Something That Has Moral Worth.

Values Value is defined as something that has moral worth. These values determine ones priorities and are fundamentally the things that one believes and stands for in life. Throughout my life, I have met people and experienced a plethora of situations that have shaped who I am today. I value many things in my life, however, it can be easily forgotten due to the privileges and securities of all the things I am blessed with. I place value on things that I believe benefit my life and the people around me. In essence, I value my parents, my health, music, freedom, and money. My parents met in Tehran, Iran where they eventually got married and had two kids. A couple years after my birth, they decided to uproot their entire lives and move to†¦show more content†¦However, being healthy is not only a physical thing but emotional as well. Being surrounded by friends that family that care for you are important as well to a stable mental state. Furthermore, constantly thinking negative thoughts is extremely bad for one’s self esteem, confidence, and overall health. I try always look at the bright side of any situation rather than looking at the glass half empty. Music is one of the few things that I could not live without. It is something that I can turn to every day no matter what the situation is. If I’m sad, there’s a song for that. If I want to dance, there’s a song for that. There is music for any moment at any place in the world and that is what makes it so beautiful. Music to me is extremely important because there is no other form of art that can connect with a person so deeply and actually have them feel some type of way. Another reason why the value of music is high to me is because there is so much you can learn about a person through their music tastes that you could not discover by yourself. While someone might seem like a quiet or mellow person, that same person might listen to death metal on their free time. Music opens this door to people and shows us a glimpse of who they reallyShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Argument For Veganism1685 Words   |  7 Pagesfor veganism through the lens of philosophy using Utilitarianism defined by John Stuart Mill, and Deontological ethics according to Immanuel Kant. Through the use of these theories, I will justify the moral worth and legitimacy of the animal welfare debate that is often used to promote a cruelty-free and vegan lifestyle by analyzing questions of animal sentience, the worth of an animal’s happiness, and the right humanity supposedly has to the lives of other living creatures. Utilitarianism and DeontologicalRead MoreSome Moral Minima by Lenn Goodman: An Analysis1096 Words   |  4 PagesIn his essay Some Moral Minima, Lenn Goodman (2010) attempts to challenge moral relativism by arguing that certain acts contain natural meanings, and subsequently that certain acts are inherently right or wrong, due to their natural moral meaning (p. 92). 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