Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Being Professional Nurse
Question: Examine about theBeing Professional Nurse. Answer: Presentation: The unsuitable expert direct definition applies to the contextual analysis since the lead of a medical attendant professional neglected to fulfill of the sensible guidelines that is acknowledged by the laws. As indicated by New South Wales solidified Acts, unacceptable expert direct of enrolled wellbeing specialist alludes to the lead exhibited in abilities, care extracted or information ether in oversight or act that is underneath the sensible expert norm. For the situation study, the medical attendant shows unsuitable expert direct. Initially, nurture on the off chance that review neglected to perceive the declining wellbeing state of the patient, neglected to archive appraisal and strategy in spite of the basic wellbeing state of the customer (Savage, 2015). The pertinent law was National Laws area 139B importance of unsatisfied expert lead of Registered Health Practitioner Law (NSW). Direct pathways warnings are notices gotten that identifies with the lead of expert wellbeing professional. Factors for the situation study that present defense to fit the lead pathway rules incorporate the offense of professional and oversights. Case included wrongdoing of attendant that neglected to give clinical help, acceleration and record appraisal in spite of customer ailment. Besides, specialist neglected to raise the declining medical problem to the wellbeing administration director. The specialist displayed unsuitable expert character and various oversights that are not in accordance with their expert preparing prompting passing (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2008). Attendant expected to have done rising clinical survey, gave prompt help, gave quicker clinical appraisal of the patient for exact analysis and raises the exacerbating wellbeing condition Health Service Manager to get quick clinical mediation. Right off the bat, the attendant is would have done developing clinical audit because of patients pulse and respiratory rate assessment result. Furthermore, nurture need to have given prompt help because of constant stomach torment which demonstrate crumbling in wellbeing. Thirdly, as an expert attendant there was requirement for quicker clinical appraisal by clinical specialist as the patient was in red zone which require evaluation with 10 minutes to forestall compounding wellbeing state of patient. At long last, attendant would have heightens the compounding wellbeing state of the patient to Health Service Manager for sure fire clinical help of the patient (Pairman and Pincombe et al 2015). Clinical specialist, lab work force and drug specialist should have been engaged with the coordination of care. Clinical specialist would manage the vital treatment for the patient. Clinical lab staff requirement for blood and other required clinical conclusion for the patient. Blood finding would have given the prompt end on the nature and personality of the illness. At long last, drug specialist would get the suggested prescriptions for emanant treatment of the patient. The three social insurance group officials were required since septicemia is perilous illnesses that need crisis recognizable proof and treatment (Andre and Heartfield 2011). There are various alleviating factors that decreased the people responsibility for the situation. Right off the bat, nurture was occupied the evening when the patients condition was declining. Furthermore, nurture was joining in and overseeing medication to another crisis tolerant. Thirdly, persistent had been given anti-microbials by clinical specialist and in this way trusted patient will improve. Fourthly, the customary specialist was not accessible and was to show up later. Fifthly, there was absence of clear arrangements for crisis specialist to go to other patient. At long last, nurture didn't know that at time of red zone arrangement a specialist ought to be called to give clinical help notwithstanding preparing on the Between the Flag strategies (Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia 2010). As indicated by NMBA Codes and principles, Standard 1 articulation 1:1 part expects one to survey complex insecure medicinal services need of patient. This was not the situation since the professional shows insignificant worry on the persistent precarious wellbeing state of the patient. Moreover, the medical caretaker didn't asses the effect of co-dismalness and deciphers appraisal data accurately. This would have help change the strategy to have the patient moved to well prepared office on schedule and subsequently penetrate the normal standard of training of medical attendant (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2006). Standard 1 explanation 1:2 requires convenient utilization of indicative examination for clinical dynamic. For the situation study, nurture didn't show convenient reaction and compelling correspondence of the patient disintegrating wellbeing. Besides, heightening of the issue to the social insurance official in control was not done in time. The exchange of patient to another better wellbeing office additionally fizzled notwithstanding a few endeavors. Standard 2 Statement 2:1 shows the need to make an interpretation of confirmations into plan of care which was not the situation as the attendant disregarded the clinical assessments proof of declining persistent wellbeing. The attendant didn't do the clinical audit regardless of shaky circulatory strain and respiratory rate and constant loose bowels. Furthermore, the attendant should assume individual liability to assess clinical assessment discoveries for right dynamic. Standard 4 Statement 4:1 depends on assessing results of individual practice. Medical attendant was required to record medicines or mediations in like manner yet the professional asses the patient however neglect to archive the outcome. It was additionally expected that the medical caretaker on the job ought to apply proof accessible to distinguish suitable result measures. The declining wellbeing of patient was put tolerant at red zone as portrayed in the between banner approach yet the specialist didn't report this outcome (Chang and Daly, 2016). Proficient practices, for example, quicker reaction, individual concern, observational aptitudes, clinical help and great relational abilities would made the circumstance extraordinary. Initially, the exacerbating strength of the patient required quicker reaction in going to the patient (Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia, 2010). Also, ceaseless agony would pull in the medical attendant to individual worry that is fundamental for quiet consideration. As expert medical attendant quick game plan was required to decrease intricacies of the septicemia because of postponed treatment. This expert conduct would pull in various game plan for example, extreme septicemia require persistent induction into the health related crisis office. Thirdly, great observational aptitudes during assessment, appraisal and arrangement emanant game plan or clinical help would have further change the circumstance. In light of medical caretaker experience it was imperative to convey falling apart wellbeing to wellbeing administration chief (Stein-Parbury, (2014). In addition, because of the declining of patients wellbeing condition the medical caretaker should have close interdisciplinary commitment to guarantee new help. Fourthly, arrangement of quicker clinical help to the customer because of the nonstop loose bowels and back agony was basic since there was no time for delay. Septicemia required snappy organization of wide range anti-toxins as clinical help. I have figured out how to plan to sufficiently to give all the necessary consideration to persistent during my expert practice. Right off the bat, it is my duty to give clinical help to persistent contingent upon the criticalness need of those customers (Pairman and Pincombe et al 2015). Besides, as an expert medical attendant my reaction in time of crisis case is profoundly required in light of the fact that this is essential for perilous ailments. Thirdly, documentation of clinical evaluation and assessment consequence of patient is significance during my expert practice. At last, heightening patients declining improvement to the necessary medicinal services officials is significant. This suggests I need to learn both correspondence and association polices of medical clinic. Correspondence of the patient clinical advancement as a part of care is indispensable for new alumni nurture. As indicated by Chang and Daly (2016), individual relational abilities for graduate medical caretaker is significant for encouraging consideration plan among quiet and other medicinal services group officials. Proficient attendant is responsible for powerful correspondence of patient advancement, crumbling wellbeing and any clinical help needs to human services official in control or to the clinical specialist. What's more, nurture is responsible for documentation of patients clinical evaluation or assessment. New alumni nurture need to become familiar with the essential association culture and for simplicity of conveying tolerant condition to other wellbeing experts. Reference American Psychological Association (2010), Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (sixth ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Andre, K. furthermore, Heartfield, M. (2011), Nursing and birthing assistance portfolios: Evidence of proceeding with skill (second ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier Australia. Chang, E. furthermore, Daly, J. (2016), Transitions in Nursing: Preparing For Professional Practice (fourth ed.). Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier. Dempsey, J., Hillege, S., and Hill, R. (Eds.) (2014), Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery: A Person-Centered Approach to Care. Sydney, Australia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Duchscher, J. (2008). A procedure of turning into: The phases of new nursing graduate proficient job progress. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(10), 441-450. Ebert, L. furthermore, Gilligan, C. et al (2014), They have no clue what we do or what we know: Australian alumni impression of working in a medicinal services group. Medical attendant Education in Practice, 14(5), 544-550. Fry, S. Johnstone, .J. also, the International Council of Nurses. (2008). Ethic
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Editing a Sample of Describe Yourself Essay
Editing a Sample of Describe Yourself EssayWhen it comes to writing a sample of describe yourself essay, it really is as simple as describing yourself. Although it may seem quite easy at first, many people find it difficult to go back and edit their sample of describe yourself essay for certain grammatical errors, as well as other types of mistakes. It is also essential that the sample of describe yourself essay, be short and to the point.Firstly, the first step in editing a sample of describe yourself essay is to check for spelling and grammar errors. Ensure that you have proofread and checked it carefully. This will help you ensure that the essay is accurate and that you have not omitted any details that need to be included. The last thing you want to do is to have an essay that you will be submitting to your prospective employer that has been mis-written or omitted important details.The next thing to check when editing a sample of describe yourself essay is to look for grammatical errors. Most employers are looking for essays that are grammatically correct. There is no point having an essay that contains grammatical errors, especially when it is for an interview.Now, that we have checked for grammatical errors, the next step is to look for similar sentences in other samples of describe yourself essays. It can be hard to look at others and make sure that your sample of describe yourself essay does not contain similar phrases or paragraphs. It is not always possible to spot an identical sentence or paragraph in another sample of describe yourself essay.One of the most important things when editing a sample of describe yourself essay is to make sure that your sentence structure is straight. It is common for people to use commas instead of periods, and they tend to forget to place their article before the main body of the sentence. This is one of the easiest things to overlook as the person writing the essay.To help you out, here are some tips on how to use abbr eviations correctly and avoid using them in a sample of describe yourself essay. Using the abbreviations A for applicant, or for employment, or for employment, D for documentation, C for correspondence and R for reply are all important when editing a sample of describe yourself essay. Because most employers want you to be prepared for the interview and for them to know how to write a convincing cover letter, they are also looking for samples of describe yourself essays that include all these letters and abbreviations.One of the best ways to avoid these mistakes is to use the resources provided by many sample of describe yourself essays. By browsing through a sample of the sample to describe yourself essay, you will get an idea of what is written in the sample and be able to correct any mistakes. You can even get other people's samples and edit them.Finally, when editing a sample of describe yourself essay, remember to pay attention to the spelling and grammar. Use the resources avai lable on the internet and ensure that you are getting the most from your samples to describe yourself essay.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
What Is a Crystal in Chemistry
A crystal is a substance in which the constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are packed in a regularly ordered, repeating three-dimensional pattern. Most crystals are solids. Examples quartz rock candy halite See Also Crystal Photo Gallery
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
To Be or Not to Be - Hamlets Answer Essay - 1367 Words
To Be or Not to Be - Hamlets Answer As Hamlet approaches a waiting Ophelia, he begins one of the most famous soliloquies in all of literature with the immortal line: To be or not to be?that is the question (III. i. 64). Yet this obvious reference to suicide only scratches the surface of the heart-rendering conflict felt by the young Dane. Hamlets impetuous desire to take his own life is only an impassioned reaction to the heavy burden of revenge that his fathers murder has placed upon him. His greater struggle, and the focus of Hamlet itself, involves the questioning of the purpose and meaning of a life well-lived. The character of Hamlet pursues this knowledge through his manipulation of reality, his search for the courage†¦show more content†¦He becomes so proficient at manipulating the actions of others that it becomes difficult for him to clearly communicate his fears and concerns. After confronting his mother with all he knows about the murder of his father, Gertrude dismisses this information as the rantings of a madman. In a desperate attempt to be believed, Hamlet pleads, ?My pulse as yours doth temperately keep time/And makes as healthful music. It is not madness/ That I have uttered? (III. iv. 161-163). In his struggle to confront both his feelings and his responsibilities in this difficult situatio n, Hamlet first strives to understand the fine line that separates reality from illusion. Gaining control of that understanding of reality is a critical first step for Hamlet in his journey toward self-knowledge. As Hamlet strives to understand the illusory nature of his world, he also learns just how much courage is required to cope with extreme adversity. As the play opens, Hamlet is despondent over the loss of his father. He claims, if only to himself, ?How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of this world!? (I. ii. 137-138). Not only does he lack the energy to cope with his situation, but he lacks the simple courage to choose a course of action. Even as Hamlet conceives his plan to reveal Claudius? treachery through the play, he still questions his ability to follow through with his scheme.Show MoreRelatedHamlet1304 Words  | 6 Pagesattracted to the scene because they would receive a moral insight into Hamlet’s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the final scene of the play. Finally, by focusing on the theme of morality, the soliloquy would have provided audiences wit h a thought-provoking look into their own consciences. In Shakespeare’s original version of Hamlet, Hamlet’s speech from Act IV, scene iv effectively targets the Elizabethan Era audienceRead MoreThe Characters Traits of Hamlet Essay813 Words  | 4 Pageshas many character traits which are contrasted by other figures in the play. Hamlet’s personality is especially contrasted by three other main male figures of the play being Horatio, Claudius, and Laertes. Horatio is Hamlet’s best friend in the play whom is let into the mind and secrets of Hamlet. Horatio’s other part in the play is the reader’s indication that since he and Hamlet both saw the ghost, Hamlet’s sanity isn’t in complete doubt. Horatio is a man of virtue, known as beingRead MoreQuestioning the Sanity of Hamlet in Shakespeares Hamlet, Prince of Denmark987 Words  | 4 Pagesthe other characters. Rather than stating something profound in response to when Polonius asks what Hamlet is reading, he says only the most obvious and elementary of answers possible, â€Å"words, words, words†(2.2.192). This trend between Polonius and Hamlet continues. â€Å"What is the matter my lord?†asks Polonius. Hamlet answers, â€Å"Between who?†(2.2.193-194). Tenney Davis responds to this by saying that Hamlet feigned his insanity convincingly by taking things too literally, which manifested inRead More Freudian Perspectives of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesinternal and external stimuli. The unconscious contains thoughts, memories, and desires that are well below the surface of awareness but that nonetheless exert great influence on behavior.(Weiten) The core of the Freudian perspective is centered around Hamletà ¢â‚¬â„¢s relationship with his mother, and the relationship of Hamlet and King Claudius. According to the Freudian view, Hamlet is driven by unconscious sexual desire and aggravation. This sexual aggression is directed towards his mother and Claudius. Read MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1146 Words  | 5 Pagesnot to be? That is the question.†The entire scene is about Hamlet’s uncertainty about suicide and death. The ghost is masked in uncertainty. Who is it? Is it real? Why is it around? Ophelia is constantly uncertain of Hamlet and his feelings towards her. Is she a young lady or a little girl? Does she realize the sexual connotations Hamlet makes when he speaks to her? What about Queen Gertrude? Does she know the truth about King Hamlet’s death? Does she marry his brother because she loves him, orRead MoreTragedy And Madness In Hamlet757 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet. He was faced with trials and tribulations which led to an tragic end. Was their a cause of Hamlets madness? Evidence from the play shows, Hamlet was triggered by his father’s words, For Hamlet to avenge his fathers death. For this course of action to occur Hamlet must murder his uncle Claudius, who is soon to be king . Faced with more trials after King Hamlets passing, Gertrude (Hamlets mother) is to marry Claudius. Hamlet is stumped. How is he going to murder his uncle without certaintyRead MoreHamlet’s Madness in Craft Essay868 Words  | 4 Pagesthat he coincidentally became insane after making such a vow. Hamlet’s supposed madness not only becomes his way of relating to the other characters during the majority of the play, but also that which develops his character as throughout the play. Still, the question remains: Is Hamlet really crazy or just pretending? The major conflict which seems obscures the possibility of obtaining clarity on the answer to this question is Hamlet’s inability to find any certain moral truths as he works his wayRead MoreEssay on Shakespeares Hamlet is both Madman and Genious1101 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeare. Is he an insane madman or a vengeful, devious, genius? There are many contradictory ideas and theories on Hamlet’s so called psychosis, his procrastination in avenging his father’s death, and his actions towards his mother. In the first act Hamlet seems to be in a perfectly sane state of mind. It is the second scene where the reader begins to see a change in Hamlet’s character. Ophelia meets with Polonius and recalls the meeting she previously had with Hamlet. She tells her fatherRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay1162 Words  | 5 Pagesmysterious questions human nature asks; finding answers to why humans suffer through life when they could simply die as well as uncovering what happens after death isn’t at all simple. However, the simplicity of the phrase â€Å"to be†creates a both incredible and powerful message through its juxtaposition of a small phrase with actual larger, complex meaning of life and death, a meaning that can barely be defined in 34 lines. In the end, it is Hamlet’s troubles in dealing with and uncovering the complexitiesRead MoreThe Struggle with Procrastination in Hamlet by William Shakespeare1002 Words  | 5 Pagesbrings ab out Hamlet’s downfall. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet is given explicit instructions by the ghost to kill his uncle/step-father Claudius to avenge his father’s murder; yet, he fails to do so. Hamlet’s inaction and hesitation to kill Claudius is justified in his own mind and to the audience. Hamlet’s initial disbelief in the reliability of the ghost’s claim, Hamlet’s belief in religion, and the fact that Hamlet is trained in thought rather than in action, all lead to Hamlet’s inaction,
A Futile Task- the Catcher in the Rye free essay sample
The teenager stands on a hill in complete solitude, watching the nearby football game, and contemplating if he should say a final farewell to the school. Ambivalent, the melancholy teenager leaves himself in a confused and vulnerable position to the lonely and corrupt reality of the world. In an attempt to endure the vices that alter the blissful spirit, he feels the need to make things right by saving what little recognizable evidence of purity that the world has not already desecrated. All throughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye, author J. D. Salinger establishes Holden’s bizarre attraction toward particular places, objects, and experiences, past and present. The author concurrently sets out the subtle, tender concern that Holden has for the preservation of innocence and where life will ultimately end up. At essential points in the plot, Salinger embodies these two motifs, which metaphorically represent each other, in order to uncover the true sadness that lurks in an abandoned Holden. By doing this, the author reveals the greater theme that unlike artifacts of history, constrained the human spirit would severely stunt any opportunity of development for people. Salinger constantly highlights the motif of Holden’s endeavors to preserve innocence from being tainted by corruption. The author first presents this through the objects that Holden develops a bond with. To demonstrate that bond, Salinger produces a scene in which Holden visits his old teacher, Mr. Spencer, one of the few concerned about the boy. The teacher asks Holden to read his paper about Egyptian mummifying aloud. Salinger first demonstrates Holden’s obsession for the preservation of life when Holden divulges that â€Å"Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not rot for innumerable centuries†(Salinger 16). Implying the deep interest that Holden possesses for this subject, Salinger underscores that the teenager may have experienced a harrowing event relating to the matter. Because Holden would still dearly like to know the â€Å"secret†of maintaining life in such a state, the author also exposes Holden’s unawareness of the topic altogether. Leaving Holden in an unaware state, the author then inserts the minor motif of Holden’s younger brother’s baseball mitt to clear the confusion. When asked to write a composition for a classmate, of all the topics Holden decides to write about, the nostalgic adolescent distinguishes his younger brother’s baseball mitt. With this sacred object, Salinger links it to Holden’s goal for conserving the unharmed and the aesthetic, as the glove had poems scribed all over it in ink. The author represents the ink as the permanence in which the item endures. Similar to the beloved baseball mitt, Holden finds solidity in a Little Shirley Beans record that he purchases. Identifying the song eternally preserved on the record, the writer elucidates that Holden still preserves things in the state that they are left, never allowing them to change. Salinger also represents Holden’s remembrance of the innocence of childhood, the record reminding him of that period. In addition to the revered objects, the author exhibits a pattern in Holden’s experiences and anecdotes that motivate Holden in the direction of making events like those last for an eternity. One of Holden’s recollections that Salinger touches on briefly involves Holden playing checkers with a childhood friend, Jane Gallagher. At one point in the game, Jane cries, and sensing this, Holden drives his efforts to console with her, kissing her all over her face, avoiding her mouth. Symbolizing the need to protect Jane and her virginity, the author portrays Holden comforting her instead of violating her, revealing the tender empathy that Holden possesses. Prior to reflecting this memory, Holden underwent an instance of rejection at a bar, and seeing what little empathy people have, Holden tries to remember a positive memory to keep his motivation alive. One of Holden’s fondest memories stems from the remembrance of his younger brother. When given time to ruminate upon his past, Allie stands out as the ideal brother that Holden would never find in any other person. Salinger distinguishes Allie as â€Å"terrifically intelligent†and that â€Å"he was also the nicest†¦ he never got mad at anybody. People with red hair are supposed to get mad very easily, but Allie never did, and he had very red hair†(Salinger 50). Portraying Allie as the epitome of childhood innocence, the author juxtaposes this to Holden’s thoughts of preserving purity. Because his sibling passed away at an extremely young age, Holden’s sole coping strategy involves the thought of bringing back his brother, thinking that someone as magnanimous as Allie deserves to live on. Despite Holden’s naive point of view toward what troubles him, he finally begins to subtly realize something about his brother. Salinger weaves a scene of Holden conversing with Phoebe, his younger sister, and the teenager mentions that he loves Allie, thinking that he still exists. Following Phoebe’s comment that Allie is dead, Holden refuses to accept and reveals that â€Å"Just because somebody’s dead, you don’t just stop liking them, for God’s sakeâ€â€especially if they were about a thousand times nicer than the people you know that’re alive an all†(Salinger 223). Salinger highlights a rare moment: someone offering guidance to Holden, accepting that he is stuck. By displaying Holden touching upon Allie, Salinger expresses the adolescent beginning to address the connection with Allie. However, Holden still possesses the unawareness to come to terms with this. Salinger effectively amplifies the essence of Holden’s being in a thought of the teenager. The author illustrates a dream of Holden desiring to catch children who accidentally fall off the ledge of a cliff in the rye field, the adolescent defining himself as a catcher in the rye. The author resembles Holden as a selfless martyr in this thought, leaving Holden in bliss that he can save people if they fall; the author makes clear that, for Holden, danger should be avoided by all means and at all costs. Salinger stems the implication from Holden’s own dealings with losses Perhaps the most important category that Holden associates with conservation and longing consists of the places that he visits. One of the first locations that Salinger introduces pertains to the museum, a site of never changing exhibits. The boy favors that all the displays stay the way they are and that things are kept in fixed positions. By symbolizing the museum as a place where nothing changes, Salinger mirrors the setting to Holden’s opposition to growing up and change. Salinger initiates the beginning of a epiphany for Holden when the teenager travels to his old elementary school to meet with Phoebe. The writer describes the school as familiar to Holden While appearing to give up hope on the world, Holden sees yet another instance of chicanery. The author depicts an obscenity on the wall that appalls Holden, and in the act he makes of rubbing it out, Salinger reiterates Holden as a savior figure and that combating all of evil can be accomplished. The author furthers the learning experience for Holden when the teenager returns to the museum. Although feeling tranquil while all alone in one of the showcases, Holden observes yet another contemptible obscenity, defacing one of the glass cases. By repeating the obscenity for Holden, Salinger starts to affirm in Holden that he cannot keep everything clean and pure but must accept events like these once in a while. Finally pivoting Holden’s vague realization to the last crucial place, Salinger fleshes out the epiphany. Accompanied by phoebe, Holden views one of the carousels nearby, his attraction to it brought on by the fact that the ride always plays the same song. Holden again clings to a familiar tangent and what comforts him. Yet, the teenager watches Phoebe go around on the carousel and sees her and other children trying to grab for the gold ring. Salinger depicts Holden as â€Å"afraid that she’d fall off†but he does not react, as Holden realizes that â€Å"If they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them†(Salinger 274). Paralleling and directing opportunity and danger close together, Salinger enables acceptance in Holden that if people stay the same way, there leaves no room for development, thus rendering them static, strayed from the dynamics of change, and this time, Holden does not deny Phoebe or himself the opportunity to mature.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The laboratory, Porphyrias Lover and A woman to her lover Essay Example
The laboratory, Porphyrias Lover and A woman to her lover Essay The Laboratory to express a sense of strong imagery that represents the feeling of evil and hatred, and the other being Porphyias Lover which again consists of strong imagery but of obsession, love and control. Whereas, in A Woman to Her Lover, Christina Walsh has simply made a political statement through a free verse form; conveying the change in attitude of women during the pre Victorian era. In A woman to Her Lover We see that it is about a woman demanding conditions for her marriage to her future husband. This would seem extremely odd during this period, as women were often treated as subservient. The idea of men treating women as second rate is opposed in the first stanza. This stanza details the rejection of male dominance by a woman. Do you come to me to bend me to your will as conqueror to the vanquished. The vocabulary in this stanza highlights the strong feelings of the woman. The theme of this poem is about love and equality; we know this because of the various words used to indicate love such as: O lover. We can also tell that this is about equality as: I shall be your comrade, friend and mate, to live and work, to love and die with you. The poem follows the structure of a free verse without any constraints this further reinforces Walshs main message of equality for women. However, rather than making demands she feels that she must first ask and also tempt her lover; to stay with her. Moreover the use of the conditional tense throughout the poem makes the poem seem more like a marriage contract. We will write a custom essay sample on The laboratory, Porphyrias Lover and A woman to her lover specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The laboratory, Porphyrias Lover and A woman to her lover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The laboratory, Porphyrias Lover and A woman to her lover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Furthermore, imagery is created in this poem through metaphors: I am no doll to dress and sit for feeble worship if that be what you ask, fool, I refuse you! Her point is emphasized through the use of repetition, Do you come to me to bend me to your will. Moreover, sibilance is used such as skin soft, The repetition of the S sound creates a hissing affect as well as a sinister sibilance tone, which gives us a feeling that she doesnt want to be seen as pure or perfect. In contrast The Laboratory is also a poem renowned for its depth of meanings through the variety of linguistic devices used; in addition it also shares a similar theme of death and revenge to other poems written by Browning such as Porphyias Lover. The tone of this poem is obsession. Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, Pound at thy powder, I am not in haste! This just emphasizes that this woman has only one aim which is to seek revenge on her rival by killing her. We see that The Laboratory is an unusual poem whereby we see the courageous female persona is driven to revenge. This is in stark contrast to the stereotypical view of women during the 19th century, who were not expected to have a voice, in a male dominated society. Not only does she seek revenge but also wishes to punish her husband: He is sure to remember her dying face. As thou pliest thy trade in this devils-smithy, this line in the opening stanza to the poem which indicates to us that The devils smithy is a metaphor for the subject of this workshop may be poison and death. This imagery also ties in with the devils work. The structure of this poem is a regular AABB rhyme scheme; this conveys a very jolly rhythm to the poem which is ironic because the subject is quiet chilling about seeking revenge. The language on this poem is conveyed throughout the poem through the use of imperatives Take my mask off! Nay, be not morose! the use of imperatives highlight that she is in control. Furthermore, alliteration is combined with onomatopoeia, moisten and mash up thy paste. To convey a harsh tone, reflecting her revenge and determination, as she makes the poison. Porphyrias Lover, is similar to The Laboratory, In that it is also a dramatic monologue told by Porphyrias lover. The action of Porphyrias Lover commences through the telling of the events of one night- culminating in the murder of Porphyria-by the narrator of the poem. The story is not retold to an audience but seems rather to be replayed in the mind of Porphyrias lover. Browning masterfully builds up tension in the poem by gradually revealing to the reader, through details provided by the speaker, what has taken place. As it also becomes clear that the narrator is mad, it is up to the reader to decide on what extent to believe the speakers account of events. The themes of this poem are attraction, lust and death, as he is attracted to the woman but decides to kill her as he believes he has control and dominance over her, Porphyria worshiped me. From this we can see that he feels he is in command of her. The tone to this poem is negative, The rain set in early in tonight, and madness, And did its worst to vex the lake, Imagery is depicted through the use of pathetic fallacy, The sullen wind was soon awake, which matches the mood of range and anger. Metaphors such as: She shut the cold out and the storm. Makes us think she is a woman sent from heaven. The structure of this poem is ABABB; this very effectively emphasizes the inward turmoil of the speakers mind. This poem is written in a free verse form unlike The laboratory. The most chilling phrase which highlights the macabre theme of death in Porphyias Lover is; In one long yellow string I wound Three times her little throat around, and strangled her. From this we can see that the narrator casually kills his lover, whom he is attracted to; but alarmingly shows no remorse in her inhumane death. Additionally, in The Laboratory the most shocking line which focuses on the narrators deranged state of mind is, Brand, burn up, bite into its grace-He is sure to remember her dying face, the alliterative effect of the harsh B sound expresses the fury and bitterness as she really wants to kill her rival and hurt her husband at the same time so he can remember her death forever. In conclusion to my essay, I feel that the poets studied here have portrayed their views through a wide range of techniques including political statements. In my opinion Porphyrias Lover and The Laboratory are similar as they both share the theme of death and obsession. On the other hand in, A Woman to her Lover, is more about breaking the social norm and standing up for your rights. Each poem has a unique tone and message but they do share some similar techniques.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Bird Characteristics - Animals and Wildlife -
Bird Characteristics - Animals and Wildlife - Birds are unmatched in their command of the skies. Albatrosses glide long distances over the open sea, hummingbirds hover motionless in mid-air, and eagles swoop down to capture prey with pinpoint accuracy. But not all birds are aerobatic experts. Some species such as kiwis and penguins, lost their ability to fly long ago in favor of lifestyles suited more for land or water. Birds are vertebrates, which means that they are among those animals that possess a backbone. They range in size from the minute Cuban Bee Hummingbird (Calypte helena) to the grand Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Birds are endothermic and on average, maintain body temperatures in the range of 40Â °C-44Â °C (104Â °F-111Â °F), though this varies among species and depends on the activity level of the individual bird. Birds are the only group of animals to possess feathers. Feathers are used in flight but also provide birds with other benefits such as temperature regulation and coloration (for display and camouflage purposes). Feathers are made of a protein called keratin, a protein that is also found in mammalian hair and reptilian scales. The digestive system in birds is simple but efficient (enabling them to pass food through their system quickly to minimize the extra weight of undigested food and the time it takes to extract energy from their food). Food travels through the parts of a birds digestive system in the following order before it is excreted: esophagus - narrow tube that carries food to the crop crop - a sack-like widening of the digestive tract where food can be stored temporarily proventriculus - the first chamber of a birds stomach where food is broken down by digestive enzymes gizzard - the second chamber of a birds stomach where food is ground up by muscular action and small stones or grit (ingested by the birds) intestines - tubes that continue to extract nutrients from food after it has passed through the gizzard Refs: Attenborough, David. 1998. The Life of Birds. London: BBC Books.Sibley, David Allen. 2001. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life Behavior. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.The University of California, Berkely. 2006 (Accessed Online). Museum of Paleontology.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Essay on Women and Men in the US
Essay on Women and Men in the US Essay on Women and Men in the US Example essay: Major issues facing women and men in the U.S. today There are very many issues that are facing both men and women in the U.s today. The effects are far reaching although others do not have very significant outcomes. Gender disparity is mong the major issues that are known to affect people in the U.S. The population in the United States has been established to be having many women than men. However, this is not depicted in the public area. The Supreme Court for instance has a higher male population than women. The country? presidents from Regan to Obama have tried to eliminate this disparity by making special appointments of females judges into the Supreme Court. Another issue that is facing men and women in the U.S is the one that pertains to abortion. Facts, information and statistics about abortion and pregnancy in the U.S place a lot of evidence on teens being the most affected. There have been increased cases of sexual assault, rape, prostitution and domestic violence. In one way or another, either a man or a woman is being victimized. In many occasions, it is women who fall victim due to the notion by the society that they are a weaker sex. There are facts, statistics and stories that surround abuse and survival together with the appropriate ways that can be adopted to reduce these forms of abuse. In all creations, all people seek for love and intimacy. Yet, it is becoming evident that neither of them is a certain thing. People are different; some seek for soothe and stability while others have the desire for excitement and experimentation. As humans, we may know one another, but it is also a fact that it takes two to tangle. Currently, the issues that pertain to women? reproductive rights and the diverse forms of contraception are widely and legally accessible to all women in the U.S. Other issues that have been seen to affect people in the U.S are those that are linked to pay equity, healthcare, and leadership, feeding habits, obesity and citizenship. All these factors have a way in which they affect the people. What is important though is how the society approaches and tries to find solutions towards solving them in a more amicable manner. I would say that there are many problems that face men and women in the United States just like any other country of the world whether developed or not developed. In comparison to the less developed countries and more specifically those that are non-democratic, America is more dwarfed in the way her people are faced with the problems. Some of the problems are as a result of the religious doctrines that permeate abuse and pose subservient regulations on those who are linked to social problems. Sometimes, it becomes very hard to contemplate on the traditional, feminist issues and think of obtaining a female president in the U.S unless more women and men start cherishing diplomacy endowed with more actions and soft power. Such issues can also be overcome if more women get involved in business activities and political positions so that their voices, votes and plans can be felt. An opinion I have held over time now is that gender issues will always continue to be factors in social interactions. This is due to the loopholes that the society has allowed to prevail. For instance, the feminist issues that are still being talked about in the current society are majorly applicable to those who are aware and relish freedom. It is also appropriate for those who want a gentler and comfortable society. Although the U.S is in pursuit of these key factors, it is none the less faced with issues of gender disparity and discrimination. To make sure that gender issues are eliminated, then it is imperative that all of us exert positive influences that will terminate the undercutting on one another. It is also very vital that the society learns to have faith on one another. It should also develop an innate belief in the ability of women to lead in a diligent way. The society should also make sure that it rises up an entity and extends its hand throughout the aspects of develo pment in the spirit of change that will impact positively on the lives of our sisters, not only in the United States but also to the rest of the world. At you can easily buy essay online on Women and Men related topics. Our custom essay writing company will help with writing your essay, term paper or research paper on any topic.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
My Dream Vacation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
My Dream Vacation - Essay Example If I have a lot of money and unlimited time, I would like to go on vacations to India. I have heard a lot about India, its unique culture, exotic natural beauty and cuisine, but have never been there. I want to visit India because she is so unlike my country i.e. the USA. People of India not only look different, they speak a different language and are entirely different from us Americans from every aspect. For one, I love the Indian race because of its facial features. I want to explore the diversity of India. From what I have read about India in the books and seen in the media, I have come to know that it is a land that unites people belonging to different subcultures. I particularly have a great taste for the Indian cinema. Although I don't understand Hindi or Urdu languages, yet they sound very sweet to the ears. The Indian cinematography is one of its kind. I love the heavily beaded dresses, their taste for heavy jewelry and makeup, and most importantly their respect for their ro les and responsibilities as members of a family. One thing that I could never understand about the Indian culture was how the Indians manage to live in the joint family system. Despite all the generational differences and gaps, they spend all their life together. This is something truly remarkable and worth-observing from a closer view, which is one of the main reasons I want to go to India for.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Case Study Deloitte Case 09-8 Classified information
Deloitte 09-8 Classified information - Case Study Example In the year 2006, the gross profit increased by 8.6%, with the total net sales increasing to a figure of $ 86.5 million, the sassy Spa division yielding a net profit of $ 11.2 million. Contribution from the ‘Sassy Spa Division,’ therefore, increased by a whopping 287.18 %. This shows that the other divisions did not contribute much to increase in sales revenue in 2006. Contribution to the total profit in the year 2006 was therefore from sale of a fixed asset i.e. the sale of corporate HQ ($ 1.7 million), and winning a lawsuit against a supplier yielding further revenue of $ 2.7 million. This contributed to a non-operating income of $ 4.4 million in the financial year 2006. ‘420-10-S99’ codification standard defines such income as restructuring charges and may not be presented in an income statement as extraordinary items. Paragraph ‘225-20-45-16’ states that items which do not meet the classification criteria of an extraordinary item should be reported as component of income. Therefore, this figure can be added to the gross profit in 2006, yielding net revenue of $ 34.8
Friday, January 24, 2020
Sphere :: essays research papers
Title: SPHERE Author: Michael Crichton Copyright: 1987 Main Characters: Harry, Beth, "Jerry", Norman, Ted, Barnes Setting South Pacific under water 1,00 feet under in a cylinder habitat. My name is Norman Johnson and I am a Psychologist. I am 54 and I am married. I have been called to a crash scene before to administer but this wasn't just any crash scene it would change my life. I was called out by the military to a site in the south pacific. I didn't hear any reports of an airline crashes so I thought it must be military craft. When I got to the site there were military craft everywhere. The helicopter dropped me off on the main ship where I was meet by Captain Barnes the leader of this project. I found out I wasn't the only specialist called out on this project. He also called out a marine biologist and science professionals. I started to think that this wasn't just any airline crash. I knew something was up. Later Barnes called a meeting where I learned that we were all here for reason. Barnes told us that a UFO crashed. I was skeptical at first and didn't believe it. Then bares said we are going to go down and take a look at it, I thought this meant them but a few hours later I was going to the bottom in a submarine. The site is 1,000 feet under water which is shallow compared tot he rest of the pacific. At the site there was a huge grid on lights and a massive metallic fin sticking up out of the grid. It was part of the craft and it looked like nothing I have ever seen. We settled into he habitat it was more comfortable then I though it would be it had showers and beds and everything a house had. The only strange thing was your voice†¦ The air down here had a more helium concentrate so it made your voice funny. To prevent this we use ' Breathers" a device that goes around you throat to normalize your speech. At this depth there is almost no sign on life hardly any plants or fish at all. Barnes called a meeting. We have found a craft, which we believe, is 300 years old and may contain life that's why all of u have been called in. Right now we are looking for the "front door" he said.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Business connection The Key in perfect competition Managing costs Research Essay
Canada boasts of being among the world’s richest nations and of the western countries that have ultimate leverage over the economy, it is ranked in 10th place. It has an array of different industries characterized by a buzzing and quite rapid growth and development and production in the industries is entirely mechanized. Due to its trades it also happens to be a member of the G8 as well as Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Industries in Canada are high-tech and uphold state of the art technology and mechanization. Canada’s microeconomic issues Challenges however do come its way both internally and externally a good example being the world economic crisis of 2009 which saw to its financial stability regression and many employees losing their jobs since a majority of the industries could not sustain themselves let alone their large numbers of labor force. Previously the global economic downturn that had hit the US had led to a colossal fluctuation of market prices resulting in a massive decline of Canada’s profits. Despite the aforementioned global challenges, Canada like any other business has had its equal fair share of challenges. Sailing amongst the richest nations of the world, Canada has constantly overstretched its spending means leaving it with a huge burden of debts. According to the (Globe and Mail), it stands at a deficit of 3.3% of its GDP. Its lack of an economic slack makes it stand on the edge of a high inflation rate despite it being among the world’s countries with the least unemployed people. Canada has for a long time failed to embrace the art of international competition. Business connection: the key in perfection competition- managing costs Due to the trend in which the world has turned into a digital one with top notch technological systems being installed, and almost all operations going digital, leading to company’s marketing their merchandise on the internet. E-marketing is the most productive tool for any business that wants to thrive and stand way above its competitors and colossally out ways traditional methods of marketing. The largest proportion of the world’s population is now connected to the internet and in a bid to connect to large masses round the globe, e-marketing comes in handy as a business is able to have a wide presence ensuring it lures a wide variety of customers internationally which in the long run culminates into the company effectively managing its costs. Modern communication methods have been changing with time and it is therefore essential for the company to be up to speed with the changing technological advancements. According to (quirk biz), when correctly implemented, return on investment from e-marketing exceedingly outdo traditional methods of marketing not to mention it is at the forefront of redefinition for businesses to effectively interact with their customers. By adopting unique and state of the art e-marketing strategies, the company is able to effectively outshine its competitors. A company can also maximize on its desired profits by correctively identifying its target market and capitalizing on meeting and satisfying their needs so as to build on customer loyalty which reflects into high profit returns. This can be effectively done by emphasizing on the research of original research. That which lured customers to the company’s services and products should be used as a strength hence improved on in a bid to bait a large clientele of the company’s target market. (Lead forensics) advice on the need to carry out intelligence beforehand so as to clearly identify the needs of the purposed target audience thus the need to use current pop culture. In the spirit of beating competition and managing costs effectively, the company ought to rise a notch higher than its competitors by taking up unique strategies that outdo its competitors. Such as getting into video savvy. This is a plus to any business as it offers the company the platform to show case their unique attributes. Through this the company can also invest in animations for putting up their advertisements and is suitable for advertisements on both products and services and it would be guaranteed of effectively beating its competitors as its target clientele will always identify to the video ad. The demographic and lifestyle segmentation of target consumers helps the company in getting a clear picture of their clientele’s needs in terms of age, marital status, religious beliefs among others hence getting a clear mode of communication to them with an inclusive need of their lifestyles as well as cultures. By so doing, the company is able to enjoy a massive return on investments having cut on a lot of miscellaneous costs and expenses. It is also essential to bear in mind the customers purchasing attitudes and behavior thus capitalizing on the pros. investing on research on consumer behavior is quite instrumental as the company is able to get the niche in the industry and easily manipulate and take leverage over the market share. This can be efficiently and effectively done through a proper survey of the market and observing the target customer’s needs and preferences. The company can also invest in qualitative studies so as to get up to date with the industry and a clear understanding of the overview market share. A clear outline of a research plan should also be in calculated in the company’s research process. This is to make sure that the company is up to date with all possible avenues for doing business. All this withstanding, it is essential for the company to bear in mind the psychographics of its customers through a comprehensive research process so as to determine consumer behavior by looking into the attitudes of potential and kinetic clientele as well as pinpoint its customer’s purchasing behavior. It is possible for a company to build on customer loyalty hence customer retention and this can effectively be managed by capitalizing on the purchasing behavior of the customers hence improving on them or emphasizing on them so as to retain the customers and lure more aboard. A company can effectively manage its costs by research ing on the other places their customers or other customers shop for products and services same as its. This would give it insight on how operations are carried out in the other companies and serve as an eye opener on what woos the customers to them and in turn work on their strategies to lure back the customers, all this with an aim of being on top of their customers. The customer can also lure its customers by rewarding them for shopping at their outlets hence ensuring they come back another time. Quite a number of customers are sensitive on prices hence it is important for a company to work on its prices so as to enhance on customer retention. This can be done using the varieties of pricing techniques. Promotions are a plus in any given industry thus it is advisable that the company does promotions for its products from time to time and rewarding its loyal customers. This would out rightly beat its competitions as customers will constantly be reminded of the company’s merch andise. Effective public relations should not be overlooked as they also are a place in any business. Government’s intervention on trade regulations helps in creating a perfect atmosphere for doing trade among various businesses offering the same merchandise since competition is regulated and malicious strategies aimed at seeing to the downfall of a specific company cannot be initiated. Connection debate summary In summary, the debate connection is aimed at providing companies with the knowhow on market penetration as well as standing out from the rest with an intent of taking leverage over the market share hence beating competition from its rival companies. This in the long run aids the company in managing its costs through profits maximization. The connections debate’s pros The debate is aimed at aiding companies in taking a leverage over others in the same industries as theirs which is good in creating friendly competition. By adopting strategies mentioned in the debate, a company is assured of increasing on their return on investments as well as standing out from the rest. The connection debate’s cons Not all businesses uphold friendly business competition strategies as some can have the malicious intent of tarnishing a different company’s names so as to take entire leverage over the industry. Basing an argument from Canada’s economic state, the country has failed to efficiently diversify its target international trade partners and concentrated on only one trade partner the US which is a risky trend as its stability entirely relies on the US’ economy. In an event of the downfall of the US’ economy, then Canada’s economy is bound to fail. Referencebusbus Britany Lee fries. November, 2009. Environment: the type of economy and level of industrialization in Canada. Retrieved from http://www.canada-britanyleefries.blogspot.comIndex Mundi. August, 2014. Canada economy profile 2014. Retrieved from The heritage foundation & wall street journal. Canada: 2014 index economic freedom. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail, 2013. Canada’s 7 deadly economic problems. Retrieved from Fred lazar, 1981. The new protectionism: non-tariff barriers and their effects on Canada. James Lorimar & amp; company. Elijah M. James, 2008. Chapter 11. Microeconomics. Published by Pearson education Canada Lead Forensics, June 2014. 3 winning ideas to beat your competitors at content. Retrieved from Source document
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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