Wednesday, May 6, 2020
To Be or Not to Be - Hamlets Answer Essay - 1367 Words
To Be or Not to Be - Hamlets Answer As Hamlet approaches a waiting Ophelia, he begins one of the most famous soliloquies in all of literature with the immortal line: To be or not to be?that is the question (III. i. 64). Yet this obvious reference to suicide only scratches the surface of the heart-rendering conflict felt by the young Dane. Hamlets impetuous desire to take his own life is only an impassioned reaction to the heavy burden of revenge that his fathers murder has placed upon him. His greater struggle, and the focus of Hamlet itself, involves the questioning of the purpose and meaning of a life well-lived. The character of Hamlet pursues this knowledge through his manipulation of reality, his search for the courage†¦show more content†¦He becomes so proficient at manipulating the actions of others that it becomes difficult for him to clearly communicate his fears and concerns. After confronting his mother with all he knows about the murder of his father, Gertrude dismisses this information as the rantings of a madman. In a desperate attempt to be believed, Hamlet pleads, ?My pulse as yours doth temperately keep time/And makes as healthful music. It is not madness/ That I have uttered? (III. iv. 161-163). In his struggle to confront both his feelings and his responsibilities in this difficult situatio n, Hamlet first strives to understand the fine line that separates reality from illusion. Gaining control of that understanding of reality is a critical first step for Hamlet in his journey toward self-knowledge. As Hamlet strives to understand the illusory nature of his world, he also learns just how much courage is required to cope with extreme adversity. As the play opens, Hamlet is despondent over the loss of his father. He claims, if only to himself, ?How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of this world!? (I. ii. 137-138). Not only does he lack the energy to cope with his situation, but he lacks the simple courage to choose a course of action. Even as Hamlet conceives his plan to reveal Claudius? treachery through the play, he still questions his ability to follow through with his scheme.Show MoreRelatedHamlet1304 Words  | 6 Pagesattracted to the scene because they would receive a moral insight into Hamlet’s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the final scene of the play. Finally, by focusing on the theme of morality, the soliloquy would have provided audiences wit h a thought-provoking look into their own consciences. In Shakespeare’s original version of Hamlet, Hamlet’s speech from Act IV, scene iv effectively targets the Elizabethan Era audienceRead MoreThe Characters Traits of Hamlet Essay813 Words  | 4 Pageshas many character traits which are contrasted by other figures in the play. 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